Bon E.I., Maksimovich N.E., Zimatkin S.M., Aladieva T.L., Volchkevich G.V.
UDC: 616.831.31-005.4.-092.913:618.33
Abstract: Objective. To study the morphological features of neurons of the parietal cortex and hippocampus of rats with subtotal cerebral ischemia during administration of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and an Nw-nitro-L-Arginine Methyl Ester (L-NAME) inhibitor of NO. Methods . The studies were performed on 30 animals, represented by 5 groups of 6 rats each. Subtotal cerebral ischemia was modeled by ligation of both common carotid arteries under conditions of intravenous thiopental anesthesia (40-50 mg/kg) - group 1. Immediately before ligation, 5 mg/kg L-NAME were intramuscularly administered to rats of group 2. In Group 3 additional Omega-3 was given intragastrically at a dose of 5 mg/kg body weight during a week. Before the operation, the rats of the 4th group were administered only Omega-3 at a similar dose. The control group consisted of false-operated rats receiving equivolume amount of NaCl (0.5 ml). The animals were decapitated after 60 minutes of ischemia. In rats, morphological changes in the neurons of the parietal cortex and the CA1 field of the hippocampus were studied. Results. Cerebral ischemia leads to the development of a number of morphofunctional disorders of the cerebral cortex, the introduction of a non-selective inhibitor of NO synthase exacerbated these disorders. The additional use of the Omega-3 preparation partially eliminated the negative effect of L-NAME, while the use of only Omega-3 in rats with ischemia without an inhibitor of NO synthase had a corrective effect. Conclusions. The introduction of the Omega-3 preparation has a corrective effect on the hippocampus under conditions of subtotal ischemia, reducing the number of shadow cells and hyperchromic wrinkled neurons, without significantly affecting the size and shape of the neurons of the parietal cortex. The previous administration of the Omega-3 preparation to rats with cerebral ischemia receiving an NOS inhibitor did not have a corrective effect on the negative effects it had on the state of the neurons of the studied parts of the cerebral cortex in this dose and method of use.
Key words: церебральная ишемия, нейроны, омега-3 полиненасыщенные жирные кислоты, L-NAME
Sheremetyeva A.S., Durnova N.A., Afanasieva G.A., Plastun V.O.
UDC: 615.322
Abstract: Objective. To study the effect of water-alcohol extracts of Sedum maximum and Sedum telephum containing flavonoids on the level of intermediate products of lipid peroxidation in the blood serum of mongrel white rats. Methods. Extracts of S. maximum and S. telephium at doses of 100, 200, 300 mg/kg were prepared according to the method used before. The experiment was performed on male white mongrel rats (3 control and 12 experimental groups of 6 animals each). Oxidative stress was modeled by intraperitoneal administration of a 1% solution of dioxidine to experimental animals at a dose of 100 mg/ml. The intensity of peroxidation processes was assessed by the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) in rat blood serum. The level of MDA was determined using generally accepted methods. Results. S. telephium extract at a dose of 100 mg/kg reduced the level of MDA, S. maximum extract had no effect on lipoperoxidation under conditions of oxidative stress induced by dioxin. S. maximum extract reduced MDA to the level of negative control at a dose of 200 mg/kg, S. telephum extract reduced MDA below the background level. Both studied extracts reduce the level of MDA in comparison with the intact group at a dose of 300 mg/kg. S. maximum extract shows antioxidant properties in the absence of oxidative stress only at a dose of 300 mg/kg, in the same conditions, S. telephum extract shows antioxidant properties at all studied doses. Conclusions. Intraperitoneal injection of S. maximum and S. telephium extracts results in a decrease in MDA in the blood serum of the experimental animals . S. maximum extract has an antioxidant effect at a dose of 200 mg/kg or more, and S. telephium - at all studied doses. The effect was dose-dependent and maximally manifested at a dose of 300 mg/ml. S. telephum extract reduces the level of MDA relative to the background, which indicates the ability to stop the negative effect of the prooxidant and adaptogenic properties.
Key words: антиоксидантное действие, малоновый диальдегид, растительные экстракты, флавоноиды, Sedum maximum, Sedum telephium
Matsyuk Ya.R., Phedina E.M., Mikhalchuk E.Ch.
UDC: 612.32.014.2:591.36]:616.36-008.811.6-055.26]-092.9
Abstract: Objective. To study the structural and cytochemical properties of the stomach of 15-day-old rats obtained from mating animals that developed under conditions of maternal cholestasis, experimentally modeled on the 17th day of pregnancy. Methods. The scientific work was performed on the 15-day-old offspring of outbred white rats (15 animals, 8 of which were obtained by mating of males with females that developed in conditions of cholestasis, experimentally modeled on the 17th day of pregnancy (experimental group), and 7 rats were obtained from intact animals (control group)). In the study we used surgical, histological, cytochemical, morpho- and cytophotometric, statistical research methods. The obtained data were processed by parametric statistics. Results. It was established that in 15-day-old second-generation rats obtained by mating of males with females born under conditions of cholestasis, there is a delay in the development of the stomach membranes, especially of the mucosa; a decrease of the number of proper glands in the mucosa, a decrease of the quantitative and qualitative composition of exocrinocytes in the proper glands, accompanied by structural and cytochemical changes of these cells. Conclusion. It was experimentally established that in rats of the second generation, obtained from mating of females and males born under conditions of cholestasis (first generation), significant morphofunctional changes develop in the stomach.
Key words: потомство, холестаз, желудок, собственные железы, экзокриноциты
Buznik G.V., Vostrikov V.V., Shabanov P.D.
UDC: 616.717.61
Abstract: Objective. To assess the effectiveness of treatment of the asthenic symptom complex in patients with formed alcohol dependence (stage II alcoholism) in the post-withdrawal period using succinate-containing metabolic protectors (mexidol vs emoxypine, riboxine vs cytoflavine, metaprot vs metaprot plus). Methods. In 148 patients with formed alcohol dependence in the post-withdrawal period, clinical, psychological and instrumental methods revealed asthenic syndrome, manifested mainly by elements of anxiety and subdepressiveness, increased mental and physical fatigue, weakness, absent-mindedness, distracted attention, decreased physical and mental performance, the need for significant rest, high mental exhaustion, impaired social adaptation. Results. Metabolic protectors of a similar structure, containing (mexidol, cytoflavine, metaprot plus) or not containing (emoxipine, riboxine, metaprot) succinate in their molecule, have shown clinical efficacy in eliminating or reducing the asthenic symptom complex in this category of patients. Thus, a positive effect was noted on the scale of neurotization by L.I. Wasserman, the 7th neurotization scale of the MMPI personality questionnaire, the hospital anxiety scale, the Spielberger scale (situational anxiety), the hospital depression scale, in the SAN test (health, activity, mood), while succinate-containing drugs (mexidol, cytoflavine, metaprot plus) were more active in comparison with succinate-containing drugs (emoxipine and riboxine), the exception of the latter was metaprot, which is comparable in activity to succinate-containing drugs. Finally, of all the studied drugs, mexidol, cytoflavine, metaprot and metaprot plus significantly reduced the craving for alcohol, and the degree of decrease in craving for alcohol was 67.5-76.8%. The antiasthenic effect manifested itself as anti-asthenic, antidepressant, anti-anxiety, nootropic (cognitive) and positive general somatic action of the drugs. Conclusion. It is recommended to pay special attention to the correction of asthenic disorders and to use succinate-containing metabolic protectors in the treatment of patients with formed alcohol dependence (stage II alcoholism) in the post-withdrawal period.
Key words: алкоголизм, абстинентный синдром, астенический симптомокомплекс, метаболическая терапия, мексидол, рибоксин, цитофлавин, метапрот, метапрот плюс
Krylov N.N., Kuleshova S.A., Kompantseva E.V., Shevchenko A.M.
UDC: 615.015.4
Abstract: Objective. To study the neurotropic and antihypoxic activity of the developed composition "Ginkgotropil-forte". Methods. Neurotropic activity was determined using the Open Field test in male rats. The results were evaluated after a single injection of the studied objects after 30 minutes and after the course application of the studied composition and comparison preparations within 10 days. Antihypoxic activity was studied on the model of hypercapnic ("can") hypoxia in outbred male mice. The experimental animal was placed in an individual landing chamber with a volume of 250 cm3, closed with a lid. To check the tightness of the chamber, it was turned over and lowered into a tray of water, the time of onset of seizures was recorded, in minutes. Testing of the groups was carried out after 30 minutes after the introduction of the object. Results. In the course of the studies, it was found that the studied Ginkgotropil Forte combination has a nootropic effect, since when using this composition, experimental animals spent much less time studying an unfamiliar environment, which is confirmed by a decrease in the number of crossed sectors of the open field and the number of uprights. An increase in the number of peeps can also be considered as one of the possible confirmations of the presence of nootropic activity in Ginkgotropil-forte. In this case, the pharmacological effect of the use of this combination was superior to that of the comparison drugs: succinic acid, glycine, and was comparable in magnitude with the effect of the drug Ginkgo Biloba, containing dry extract of ginkgo bilobate. In addition, a significant reduction in the time of “fading” in the central part of the “open field” with a single and course application of the studied composition indicates a decrease in manifestations of fear and anxiety, that is, the studied object exhibits anxiolytic effect. According to the results of the study of antihypoxic properties, it was found that the hypoxia resistance time during the use of Ginkgotropil Forte was by 25.3% higher than the control, and compared with the use of Ginkgotropil Forte monopreparations, it increased the animal survival by 9.2-26.6%. Conclusion. The results indicate an increase in nootropic activity and a pronounced antihypoxic effect under the conditions of hypercapnic hypoxia with the use of the Ginkgotropil Forte complex, consisting of glycine, succinic acid, dry extracts of ginkgo bilobate leaves and meadowsweet grass compared with the effects of monopreparations.
Key words: открытое поле, гиперкапническая гипоксия, Гинкготропил-форте, ноотропная активность, антигипоксическая активность
Berestina A.V., Bakhvalov A.V.
UDC: 648.61+579.66
Abstract: Objective. To compare the efficacy of three disinfectants used in training Cleanrooms: #1 - based on active oxygen, #2 - based on combination of Quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) and glutaraldehyde, #3 - based on QACs. Methods. A number of sampling after cleaning was carried out to determine the content of aerosol particles and microorganisms. Samples were taken in the Cleanroom Module of the OINPE NRNU MEPhI, which includes four class D rooms. Samples for microbiological purity were taken in parallel on two nutrient media (Tryptone soya agar for the isolation of bacteria and Sabouraud dextrose agar for the isolation of yeast and fungi) and incubated for 5 days. Results. The efficacy of the studied disinfectants, determined by the content of microorganisms in the air, is reduced in the range: #1 - #2 - #3. The growth of spore-forming microflora in the air after cleaning of Cleanrooms with these disinfectants was not detected. On working surfaces, the growth of spore-forming microflora is completely absent only after cleaning with an oxygen-containing disinfectant # 1, as the removal of microorganisms from surfaces is a more difficult task than from the air. According to the results of this stage of the study, direct relationship between the concentration of aerosol particles and the number of microorganisms in the air was not revealed. Conclusion. The most effective of the examined disinfectants is based on active oxygen (# 1), which also has sporicidal activity. Disinfectants based on the combination of QACs and glutaraldehyde (# 2), as well as on the basis of QACs (# 3) don’t have a significant sporicidal activity, but can be used for routine (daily) cleaning in Cleanrooms that are not contaminated with spore-forming microflora.
Key words: чистые помещения, дезинфицирующие средства, аэрозольные частицы, микробиологическая чистота, спорообразующая микрофлора, спороцидная активность
Ofitserova E.S., Alekseyeva L.N., Shklyarenko A.A., Yakovlev I.P.
UDC: 615.31
Abstract: Objective. To study the biological activity of the synthesized new 2-aryl-6-(methylthio)-4-chloro-2 H- pyrazolo[3,4- d ]pyrimidines. Methods. Probable types of biological activity were predicted using the PASS (Prediction of Activity Spectra for Substances) computer program. The acute toxicity of 2-aryl-6-(methylthio)-4-chloro-2 H -pyrazolo[3,4- d ]pyrimidines was determined experimentally on non-linear white male mice with a total weight of 16-20 g. Analgesic activity was established on a model of acetic acid «cramps» in mice. Results. 2-aryl-6-(methylthio)-4-chloro-2 H -pyrazolo[3,4- d ]pyrimidines according to the classification of toxicity of drugs Sidorova K.K. assigned to the class of practically non-toxic substances (LD50> 2000 mg / kg). The analgesic activity of the test compounds was higher than the reference drug. Conclusion. The synthesized new 2-aryl-6-(methylthio)-4-chloro-2 H -pyrazolo[3,4- d ]pyrimidines are non-toxic and have pronounced analgesic activity.
Key words: 2-арил-6-(метилтио)-4-хлор-2Н-пиразоло[3, 4-d]пиримидины, биологическая активность, острая токсичность, анальгезирующая активность
Khaikina E.V., Zharkova L.P., Khaikin A.M., Kim Yu.A.
UDC: 615.276(470.332)
Abstract: Objective. To study self-medication practice of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs among adult population in Smolensk. Methods. A one-stage, prospective study was performed, which consisted in conducting a voluntary and anonymous survey of the adult population on self-medication with drugs of the NSAID group, adherence to the regimen, the frequency of occurrence of adverse drug reactions (ADR), factors influencing the choice of drugs in this group. Results. 200 respondents were interviewed, in three age groups: persons under 30 years old - 19%, 30-60 years old - 44% and over 60 years old - 37%. The average age of the respondents was 52.3 years. Among the respondents women predominated (68%), The most popular NSAIDs used for self-treatment were paracetamol, metamizole and metamizole-containing drugs, acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), which accounted for 43%, 34% and 30% of references. Metamizole took a leading position in self-treatment of pain syndrome (93% of cases) among the respondents over 60 years old. About 88% of the respondents start independent NSAIDs at subfebrile body temperature, and more than a third (38%) of the respondents use nimesulide as an antipyretic agent. Only 6% of the respondents noted the appearance of ADR on the background of self-medication with NSAIDs: 8 people had symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract, 4 respondents indicated an increase in blood pressure while taking NSAIDs. Most of the survey participants prefer medicinal forms of NSAIDs for systemic use (59%). Drug cost, personal experience of use and advertising in the media play a significant role in the choice of NSAIDs. Only 18% of the respondents listen to the pharmacist advice and 31% of the respondents study the instructions for use of the drug before taking the drug. Conclusion. An insufficient level of awareness of the population in matters of self-medication of NSAIDs was revealed, which consists in the choice of potentially dangerous drugs, non-compliance with the regimen, long-term uncontrolled use of drugs.
Key words: НПВС, самолечение, анкетирование населения, выбор препаратов, безопасность терапии
Mozheiko L.A.
UDC: 577.161.1:612.015.6]:616.37
Abstract: Objective. The aim is to analyze modern scientific information about the content of retinoids in pancreatic stellate cells and their role in the conditions of physiology and pathology of the pancreas. Methods . The literature data of domestic and foreign authors on this topic has been collected and studied. Results. The retinoids in the pancreas are concentrated mainly in the fatty inclusions of stellate cells. Their presence is the main marker for determining the phenotype of stellate cells. The quiescent phenotype of stellate cells differs in the maximum content of retinoids. It was found that in the embryonic period, they are necessary to maintain normal development of the pancreas, both at the early stage of organogenesis and at a later stage of cell differentiation. In the adult body, retinoids regulate the processes of exocrine secretion of the organ and synthesis of the exracellular matrix. Under the influence of activating factors, there is a loss of retinoid-containing lipid droplets of stellate cells and an increase of fibrogenetic function. Conclusions. Under physiological conditions, stellate cell retinoids are involved in the regulation of pancreatic embryonic development, maintaining normal structure and function, as well as tissue regeneration of exocrine parenchyma. The loss of retinoids and the transformation of stellate cells into a myofibroblast-like phenotype is accompanied by the development of pathological changes in the organ.
Key words: поджелудочная железа, ретиноиды, звездчатые клетки
Bon L.I., Gritsuk A.A., Kulevich M.V.
UDC: 616.12-009.7
Abstract: Objective. Analysis and synthesis of literature data on methodological approaches to modeling animal neurosis. Methods. The basis of this study was a review of the literature on this topic. Results. Neurosis is a typical form of pathology of the nervous system. Modeling of this pathology in the experiment is achieved by overstrain and disruption of the processes of excitation, inhibition and lability of nervous processes. Conclusion. Modeling animal neurosis, taking into account the type of higher nervous activity, helps to deepen knowledge about the functioning of the nervous system and adapt it to negative influences, thereby creating the basis for further clinical research on the prevention and treatment of neurosis.
Key words: неврозы, моделирование на животных, высшая нервная деятельность
Blazhko A. S., Pereverzev V. A., Sikorsky A.V., Evseev A.V., Nikitina O.S., Razvodovsky Yu.E., Velkom M.O., Pozharickij A.M., Pereverzeva E.V.
UDC: 616.89-008.441.13-057.87
Abstract: Objective. To establish the prevalence of alcohol use and abuse among Belarusian and foreign junior medical students of different genders, taking into account their religion, as well as to calculate the inter-gender gradient of these indicators among these groups of respondents. Method. In research we involved 1049 1st and 2nd year students from all faculties of the educational institution "Belarusian state medical university "("BSMU") with their voluntary consent. There were 832 Belarusian students and 217 foreign students among 1049 reponswnts. All students who agreed to participate in the study completed three questionnaires: "General" and questionnaires of psychometric tests "AUDIT" and "CAGE" to identify alcohol problems in the respondents. This made it possible to assess the presence of problems caused by alcohol in the subjects, as well as to calculate the frequency and volume (one-time, monthly and annual in terms of absolute ethanol) of its consumption. The questions in the "General" questionnaire made it possible to additionally calculate the length of use (total duration) and age at which alcohol consumption started, as well as the duration of sobriety periods, to find out the age of the subject, their gender, place (country) of birth (Belarusian or foreign), religion, attitude to a healthy lifestyle. At the time of the study, all 690 Belarusian students had an average academic achievement score in the subject under research. The intersex gradient in the respondents was calculated as the ratio of the prevalence of a sober lifestyle and the use of alcoholic beverages (including in dangerous and harmful mode, i.e. when abusing ethanol) among young people (girls and boys) of different sexes. Results. Analysis of information obtained from the questionnaires of 823 1st and 2nd year students of the BSMU (253 boys and 570 girls) who are trustworthy according to the results of the hidden test "Sincerity" (scored 60% or more), showed that among the youth there were 145 teetotalers and 678 young people who use alcohol. Thus, the share of alcohol users in the respondents was 82.4±1.3%, including: among Belarusian undergraduates - 89.3%; among foreign students - 46.6%. Consequently, the prevalence of alcohol users among foreign students was by 1.92 times (χ2=139.8; p<0.000) less than among Belarusian students. Among the students, the proportion of boys' alcohol users was 71.9%, and among girls - 87.0%, with the inter-gender gradient of girls/boys equal to 1: 0.82 (χ=23.358; p<0.000), which indicates a significantly greater involvement of young women in of alcohol users. The proportion of both young men alcohol users and young women alcohol users is significantly higher among Belarusian students: by 1.78 times more boys (p<0.001) and 2.05 times more girls (p<0.001) compared to foreign students. Orthodox Christians (67.1%) and atheists predominated among Belarusian students, including young people who were undecided about their views (22.8%). The majority of foreign students were Muslims (54.2%), Buddhists (16.5%), and atheists (16.5%). The prevalence of a sober lifestyle and alcohol users among young people, was 10.3% and 89.7% among Orthodox Christians; 62.3% and 37.7% among Muslims; 45.5% and 54.5% among Buddhists; 16.2% and 83.8% among atheists, including young people who are undecided about their views, and 10.2% and 89.8% among Belarusians, as among Orthodox; 59.1% and 40.9% among foreign students, as among Muslims. Conclusion. A sharp decrease in the inter-gender gradient in the prevalence of dangerous and harmful alcohol consumption by Belarusian students (girls and boys) was found to be 1:1.7, which indicates a significant increase in alcohol problems among young women in Belarus. The growing involvement of young people in alcohol consumption in Belarus requires targeted prevention measures including providing information about the increased risk of alcohol-related problems and promoting a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren and students.
Key words: этанол, молодежь, употребление алкоголя, студенты, пол, вероисповедание
Russianov V.V., Russianov A.V.
UDC: 616.329:616.33:616.342
Abstract: Objective. To study the distribution of the dominant nosological forms of the upper gastrointestinal tract lesions according to the data of esophagogastroduodenoscopy in outpatients in Smolensk for the period from 2010 to 2019. Methods. The distribution of nosological forms of the upper gastrointestinal tract lesions according to the data of esophagogastroduodenoscopy in outpatients for the last ten years was studied. Endoscopic studies were carried out on CARL STORZ (Germany) and Fujinon (Japan) devices. The biopsy material was studied on the basis of Smolensk regional institute of pathology. Results. It was found out that such diseases as chronic gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease and ulcer disease took the leading place in the structure of the upper gastrointestinal tract morbidity. There was an increase in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease and a decrease in patients with ulcer disease. There was a distinct tendency for decrease in the number of patients with Barrett's esophagus. There was no increase in patients with stomach cancer in the last ten years. Conclusion. It has been concluded that esophagogastroduodenoscopy is an indispensable method of research in diagnostics of diseases of the upper part of the digestive tract. Introduction of the methods of investigation and treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection in outpatient practice leads to reduction of diseases of the upper part of the digestive tract and development of their complications.
Key words: эзофагогастродуоденоскопия, хронический гастрит, язвенная болезнь, гастроэзофагеальная рефлюксная болезнь, пищевод Барретта, Helicobacter pylori, рак желудка
Smirnova O.V., Tsukanov V.V., Kasparov E.V., Elmanova N. G., Sinyakov A.A., Ovcharenko E.S., Moskalenko O.L., Modestov A.A., Shpak V.V., Medvedev D.A., Karapetyan A.M.
UDC: 616-092
Abstract: Objective. To study the state of lipid peroxidation processes and the activity of enzymes of the antioxidant defense system in patients with chronic atrophic gastritis and stomach cancer. Methods. Were examined 199 patients with chronic atrophic gastritis and stomach cancer. The activity levels of superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and the content of malondialdehyde were determined. The ratios of the ratio of superoxide dismutase activity to catalase and the ratio of superoxide dismutase activity to glutathione peroxidase were calculated. Results. In patients with chronic atrophic gastritis, the content of malondialdehyde increased, the activity of the enzymes catalase and glutathione peroxidase decreased, the ratios of the activity ratio of superoxide dismutase to catalase and superoxide dismutase to glutathione peroxidase increased. In patients with stomach cancer, the level of malondialdehyde increased, the ratio of the activity of superoxide dismutase to catalase and the activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and the ratio of the activity of superoxide dismutase to glutathione peroxidase decreased. Conclusion. In case of stomach cancer, the content of lipid peroxidation products in the blood plasma increases, and multidirectional changes are observed in the enzymatic link of the antioxidant defense. The ratios of the ratio of the activity of superoxide dismutase to catalase and the activity of superoxide dismutase to glutathione peroxidase have regularities with the stage of the disease; the more pronounced the malignant process, the greater the SOD / CAT coefficient and the lower the SOD / GPO coefficient. The project "Development and implementation of a software package for screening and early diagnosis of gastric cancer in terms of immune, prooxidant and antioxidant systems to reduce mortality and disability rates of the population" was supported by the Krasnoyarsk Regional Science Foundation.
Key words: ранний рак желудка, антиоксидантная защита, хронический атрофический гастрит
Lozbenev F.S., Morozova T.G.
UDC: 616.36-073.756.8
Abstract: Objective. To evaluate the diagnostic value of the diffusion-weighted image of the liver with magnetic resonance imaging. Methods. 106 patients with alcoholic liver disease (ALD) were examined. Among them, 47 (44%) are men and 59 (56%) are women. The average age of the patients is 48±3.7 years. All patients (n=106) underwent diffusion-weighted image (DWI) of the liver with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound of the abdominal cavity with clinical elastography (n=83). MCT of abdominal organs with CE - 63 (34%) patients. Liver biopsy was selected as the reference method in 78 (74%) patients. Results. The patients were monitored for 9 months. Quantitative indicators were established: steatosis - 2.66±0.9×10mm/; hepatitis - 1.75±0.6×10mm/; cirrhosis - 1.15±0.6x10mm/. When comparing the results of the qualitative assessment of DWI with the data of biochemical analysis of blood, it was found that patients (n=83) with cholestasis and cytolysis syndromes had a diffusion restriction (r=0.801), and with unchanged indicators, there was no diffusion restriction (r=0.811) During dynamic monitoring of patients, 77 (73%) showed positive clinical and laboratory dynamics during treatment, which was confirmed by an increase in the quantitative parameters of liver DWI by 1.5 times. In 29 (27%) cases negative clinical and laboratory dynamics were noted, which was reflected in a decrease in ADC over the entire observation period (r=0.817). Conclusions. Quantitative indicators of DWI of the liver with MRI are: for steatosis - 2.66±0.9×10mm/; with hepatitis - 1.75±0.6×10mm/; with cirrhosis - 1.15±0.6x10mm/ (p<0.05). There is a high correlation in patients with cytolysis, cholestasis syndromes in biochemical blood test with limited diffusion in the liver parenchyma with MRI (r=0.801). With positive clinical and laboratory dynamics during treatment, the quantitative parameters of liver DWI increase (r=0.884), while negative parameters decrease (r=0.801).
Key words: диффузионно-взвешенные изображения, магнитно-резонансная томография, алкогольная болезнь печени
Ismailova F.E., Nagieva S.E.
UDC: 61.612.394.2
Abstract: Objective. To study the most common causes and timing of the transfer of children up to 1 year of life to mixed and artificial feeding among women living in the Republic of Dagestan. Methods. The studies were carried out on the basis of the Children's Republican Pulmonary Center (DRPC) of Makhachkala, where the Department of Children's Diseases of the Faculty of Medicine of Dagestan State Medical University (DGMU) is located, together with fifth-year students from the medical faculty of DGMU. For a more efficient and high-quality collection of information, a special questionnaire was compiled. The survey involved 2346 women, each of whom had from 1 to 3 children. The questions drawn up for the survey dealt with the reasons and timing of the transfer of children to mixed and artificial feeding. Participation in the survey was voluntary. Results. The results of the studies showed that the main reasons for the introduction of supplementary feeding in women living in the Republic of Dagestan, in a region characterized by a relatively high birth rate in the Russian Federation, are: hypogalactia - 88%; maternal diseases - 7%; other reasons - 5%. In most cases, hypogalactia is secondary and is due to improperly organized breastfeeding, since about 75% of women do not know and did not carry out methods to stimulate lactation. Conclusion. The study identified the main causes and timing of the transfer of children to mixed and artificial feeding. A clear relationship was found between reducing breast milk and supplementation.
Key words: грудное молоко, грудное вскармливание, смешанное вскармливание, искусственное вскармливание, гипогалактия
Parfionova I.V., Maksimovich N.A.
UDC: 616.24-002-036.11:[611.018.74:546.172.6-31]-053.2
Abstract: Objective. To establish the role of nitric oxide, NO-synthase (eNOS and iNOS) and circulating endothelial cells as invasive markers of endothelial dysfunction in the formation of inflammatory processes in children with acute pneumonia. Methods. In 100 children with acute pneumonia, serum levels of nitric oxide (determined by the concentration of its final stable metabolites), circulating endothelial cells (CEC), and levels of endothelial (eNOS) and inducible (iNOS) synthases were assessed. Results. In children with acute pneumonia, higher levels of nitric oxide (26.5(19.8-30.5) mmol/l and 15.33 (14.1-16.9) mmol/l, respectively, p<0.001), CEC 15.0 (11.5-17.0) cells in 100 ml of plasma and 6.6 (4.0-9.0) cells in 100 ml of plasma, respectively, p<0.001), iNOS-synthase (5671.2 (5276.3-5915.4) PG/ml and 597.7 (180.7-720.7) PG/ml, respectively, p<0.001), as well as low еNOS values (3236.7 (2868.2-3487.8) PG/ml and 4627.8 (4523.0-4646.6) PG/ml, respectively, p<0.001) depending on the degree of involvement of the lung tissue in the inflammatory process. Conclusion. The levels of nitric oxide, CEC, iNOS and eNOS-synthase in peripheral blood are supposed to be used as early criteria for assessing the severity of the inflammatory process in children with acute pneumonia.
Key words: оксид азота, синтазы, острая внегоспитальная пневмония, дети, эндотелиальные клетки
Nikiforovskij N.K., Stepankova E.A., Suhorukova A.O., Nikiforovskay E.N.
UDC: 618.164-002
Abstract: Objective. The aim of the study was to analyze the peculiarities of urinary tract infections diagnostics in pregnancy and treatment methods in the context of practical healthcare, as well as assessment of antimicrobial resistance problem. 94 obstetrician-gynecologists were surveyed in Smolensk, Bryansk and Kaluga. Methods. 94 obstetrician-gynecologists working in obstetrics and gynecology units (women's consultation clinic - 39 (41.4%), gynecology department - 19 (20.2%), maternity hospital - 36 (38.4%)) were interviewed remotely using specially developed selective group anonymous questionnaires. The responses were processed using the Microsoft Office Excel PivotTables option. Results. Obstetrician-gynecologists demonstrate the awareness of the modern regional peculiarities of uropathogens structure in pregnancy, as well as possible complications of the gestation. There is a lack of awareness regarding modern and timely diagnosis, as well as adequate antibiotic therapy and in the field of antimicrobial resistance, its mechanisms and clinical significance. Conclusion. In order to increase awareness of practicing obstetrician-gynecologists on the problem of urinary tract infections in pregnancy, it is advisable to conduct additional training on this problem, as well as to constantly study the regional uropathogens structure considering antimicrobial resistance.
Key words: анкетирование, инфекции мочевыводящих путей, беременность, диагностика, антибактериальная терапия, микробная резистентность
Aliev M.Zh., Niyazbekov K.I.
UDC: 616.36-002.951.21-089:615.28
Abstract: Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of the use of andazole in the conservative treatment of concomitant echinococccosis and the prevention of relapse. Methods. There were 173 patients under observation. In the first group, 43 patients underwent treatment without surgery with small sizes of liver cysts (up to 5 cm). In the second group with medium, large and with a different arrangement of echinococcal liver cysts 130 patients underwent surgical treatment. The combination of echinococcosis of the liver and lungs was revealed in 5 patients. Primary echinococcosis - in 139 (80.4%) and recurrent - in 34 (19.6%) patients. Patients of the first group who received treatment without surgical intervention, given the small size of liver and lung cysts, were prescribed andazole (Turkey) at 10 mg/kg body weight for three courses of 28 days with intervals between the courses of 14 days and for the prevention of liver function impairment - hepatoprotectors. Of these, in the first group 33 patients regularly came for a control examination and 10 patients did not come regularly and were not carried out control. In the second group, out of 130, 124 patients underwent a follow-up examination with administration of andazole and hepatoprotectors in accordance with the clinical protocol. Results. 157 patients were monitored for 3 years. There was no increase in cysts in size, no functional impairment of the liver, at 4-5 months of treatment, echinococcal lung cysts turned into calcifications up to 1.5-2 cm in size and in 2 cysts appeared without fluid and their size did not exceed 1 cm. In the second group of the operated patients, there was suppuration of the residual cavity in 5 patients, and relapse - in 4. Conclusion. Before prescribing chemoprophylaxis, a thorough examination of the patient is necessary, taking into account the size and number of cysts. Andazole is an effective drug for chemoprophylaxis in the treatment of echinococcosis.
Key words: эхинококкоз, консервативное, оперативное лечение, рецидив, химиопрофилактика, андазол
Kayumova M.U., Odinaev F.I., Tursunov R.A.
UDC: 616.995.1-08
Abstract: Objective. To study the prevalence and clinical features of the manifestation of toxocariasis in allergic diseases.Methods. Throughout 2012-2019 we examined 237 patients with toxocariasis with various allergic conditions.Results. The research data show that in this category of patients the most common are chronic bronchopneumonia (55.2±8.1), allergic rhinopharyngitis (48.4±8.6), allergy to animal hair (48.4±8.6) and bronchial asthma (34.3±8.3). The proportion of positive results in a serological examination for toxocariasis in people with allergic diseases prevails among the rural population (20.2±2.6%). Moreover, the largest percentage of patients among the urban population accounted for the age group of 50-68 years (23.3±7.7%). With people living in rural areas, high rates were also noted in other age groups (16-27 years old, 40-49 years old, 69-78 years old). In addition, high antibody titer values (1/800 and higher) were found in people aged 50-68 living in urban areas (23.3±7.7), while in people from rural areas, they were recorded in the age group 69-78 years (28.5±9.8).Conclusion. In patients with toxocariasis with allergic manifestations, immunosuppression phenomena are noted. In general, allergic and inflammatory reactions correlate relatively with the severity of clinical manifestations. In this category of patients, the most common are various allergic diseases, such as allergic rhinopharyngitis, chronic bronchitis, chronic bronchopneumonia, bronchial asthma, food allergies, etc. The frequency of toxocariasis infestation in allergic conditions prevails in people living in rural conditions.
Key words: токсокароз, токсокарозная инвазия, аллергические заболевания, иммуносупрессия
Ukrainets R.V., Korneva Yu.S.
UDC: 616.61:615.036
Abstract: Objective. To compare the white blood parameters in patients with various forms of endometriosis with the control group; to assess the impact of surgery to remove endometrioid heterotopia on the white blood parameters in these groups. Methods. In 115 patients with endometriosis of various localities (ovary, peritoneum, adenomyosis, scar), absolute and relative (percentage) indicators characterizing white blood were retrospectively recorded from the General blood test. 28 patients with yellow body cysts and follicular cysts were used as controls. Parameters were recorded before and after radical surgical treatment. Results. Comparison of white blood parameters before surgery for different localities of endometrioid heterotopias and the control group revealed statistically significant differences only for the percentage of lymphocytes, the maximum values of which were observed in patients with ovarian endometriosis; after surgery, these differences are leveled. Comparison of absolute and percentage indicators of white blood cells before and after surgery revealed changes in a number of indicators both in the group of patients with endometrioid heterotopias and in the control group. Removal of the focus led to a significant increase in the number of white blood cells, the absolute and percentage of neutrophils, as well as the percentage of eosinophils, while reducing the percentage of basophils and lymphocytes. In the control group, performing surgery resulted in a significant increase in the percentage of lymphocytes with a decrease in WBC, neutrophils, and lymphocytes. Only in ovarian endometriosis, the number of lymphocytes and the percentage of basophils, lymphocytes and neutrophils in the UAC was significantly higher compared to the control group; a similar situation was observed for neutrophils before and after surgery. Conclusions. Endometrioid heterotopia can have a suppressive effect on neutrophil granulocytes, negatively affecting both their number and functional activity. This is probably due to the need to avoid the influence of acute inflammation, the morphological substrate of which is neutrophil infiltration. the number of lymphocytes and the percentage of basophils, lymphocytes and neutrophils in the UAC was significantly higher compared to the control group; the same situation was observed for neutrophils before and after surgery.
Key words: эндометриоз, общий анализ крови, нейтрофилы, иммуносупрессия
Losenkova S.O.
UDC: 615.377
Abstract: Objective. The analysis of the contents of scientific articles, author's abstracts of the dissertations defended in the Russian Federation within 15 years during the period from 2006 to 2020 under code numbers 15.00.01 - technology of medicines and the organization of pharmaceutical business, and also 14.04.01 - technology of reception of the medicines presented in the catalogue of scientific electronic library of dissertations and author's abstracts at disserСat for the purpose of revealing the perspectivity of domestic scientific developments, and also definitions of directions of scientific studies in the field of pharmaceutical technology. Methods. On the basis of the analysis of the contents of the scientific articles published in central press, author's abstracts of the defended dissertations the educational organizations of higher education with the greatest quantity of the protected dissertations during the period from 2006 to 2020 under code numbers 15.00.01 and 14.04.01 in the field of technology of reception of medicines, and also perspectivity of domestic scientific developments are defined. Results. Results and directions of scientific researches in the pharmaceutical technology, presented in articles and author's abstracts of the dissertations defended for last 15 years during the period from 2006 to 2020 are defined. Conclusion. High scientific potential and perspectivity of the Russian scientific developments of the educational organizations of higher education, scientific research institute in the field of pharmaceutical technology is revealed.
Key words: образовательные организации высшего образования, технология получения лекарств
Privalova E.G., Chebykin E.P.
UDC: 615.322:582.688.3(075.9)
Abstract: Objective. To study resource reserves and determine the elemental composition of aboveground organs of Pyrola asarifolia (Pyrolaceae ), which grows in the territory of the Baikal region. Methods. The object of research is the aboveground part of Pyrola asarifolia ( Pyrolaceae ) collected during the end of flowering and beginning of fruiting in the Irkutsk region in 2018-2019. The yield and operational reserve were studied using the method of accounting platforms. Data on the macro-and microelement composition were established by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS Agilent 7500 ce mass spectrometer). Results. The yield of raw materials of Pyrola asarifolia was 139,6±10,55 g/m. 72 chemical elements accumulate in aboveground organs. From the group of macronutrients, K, Ca, Cl, Mg, P, S were predominant; from the group of micro-and ultramicroelements - Si, Al, Fe, Ba, Mn; among the essential elements - Fe, Mn, Zn, Si. Conclusion. It is concluded that Pyrola asarifolia has sufficient resource potential and is a source of important mineral components. The study of Pyrola asarifolia continues.
Key words: Pyrola asarifolia, ресурсные исследования, урожайность сырья, химические элементы
Dyakova N.A.
UDC: 615.322+574.24
Abstract: Objective. The purpose of the study is to analyze the accumulation of flavonoids in avian mountain grass collected in different agricultural and urbobiogeocenoses of the Voronezh region from the point of view of anthropogenic impact. Methods. As part of the study, in 51 samples of avian grass the content of flavonoids was determined in terms of avicularin. Results. All samples meet the regulatory requirements of this indicator. Conclusion. It has been revealed that in the grass of avian mountain collected on control (protected) areas, the content of flavonoids on average is by 3-3.2 times higher than the lower numerical value given in the pharmacopoeia article. In raw materials growing in agrobiogeocenoses, the content of flavonoids is by 1.9-3.3 times higher than the numerical indicator established by the normative documentation. Avian mountain raw material growing in a number of urbobiogeocenoses of the Voronezh region also has a significant content of flavonoids in terms of aviculary, by 3.3-4.2 times higher than the minimum permissible content, as well as it exceeds the content of flavonoids in samples of control protected areas. This can be explained by the fact that the key enzyme of flavonoid synthesis - phenylalanine myacliase - has pronounced stress inducibility. It was also found that anthropogenic effects characterized by significant release of various toxic substances into the environment are not always accompanied by induction of flavonoid synthesis in a plant organism, but in some cases cause suppression of their synthesis.
Key words: Воронежская область, горец птичий, флавоноиды, авикулярин
Dyakova N.A., Slivkin A.I., Gaponov S.P.
UDC: 615.322+574.24
Abstract: Objective. The purpose of the work is to study the features of the accumulation of biologically active substances in the roots of dandelion of a drug prepared in agro- and urbobiogeocenoses of the Voronezh region. Methods. As part of the study, 51 samples of dandelion roots were determined to contain gravimetrically precipitated water-soluble polysaccharides and extractive substances recovered by water. Results. According to the content of extractive substances extracted by water, 7 samples of dandelion roots do not meet the requirements of regulatory documentation. The amount of extractive substances extracted by water in samples of dandelion roots prepared in Novokhopersky and Paninsky districts, under high-voltage power lines, on Voronezh street, along and at a distance of 100 m from the М4 route in the Ramonsky district and at a distance of 100 m from the А144 route in the Anninsky district was reduced. Conclusion. It was found that samples with a low content of the sum of extractive substances extracted by water also differ in the low level of accumulation of water-soluble polysaccharides. A similar positive relationship is noticeable for samples with a high content of gravimetrically determined water-soluble polysaccharides (more than 30%): these roots of the dandelion drug are also characterized by a high content of extractive substances extracted by water (at the level of 50-60%). The calculated Pearson correlation coefficient, which was 0.58, confirmed the presence of a positive noticeable relationship between the accumulation in the roots of dandelion of medicinal gravimetrically determined water-soluble polysaccharides and the sum of extractive substances extracted by water.
Key words: Воронежская область, одуванчик лекарственный, экстрактивные вещества, водорастворимые полисахариды
Krikova A.V., Mikhailova O.S., Kozlova L.V.
UDC: 615.014:616.12-053.2
Abstract: Objective. Analysis of the range of antihypertensive drugs recommended for the treatment and prevention of hypertension in children and adolescents. Methods. The analysis of the nomenclature of antihypertensive drugs used for the treatment and prevention of arterial hypertension in children and adolescents was carried out. The study was conducted by the method of content analysis of drugs registered and authorized for circulation in the Russian Federation. Results. Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of early disability and death among the population of many countries [1]. Arterial hypertension occurs in 40% of the adult population. At the same time, 18.5% of men and 30.4% of women suffering from arterial hypertension had increased blood pressure in childhood or adolescence [5]. For the treatment of hypertension in children and adolescents, 5 main groups are recommended: 1) angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors; 2) angiotensin receptor blockers; 3) beta-blockers; 4) calcium channel blockers (dihydropyridine); 5) thiazide diuretics. Preparations of these pharmacological groups registered in the territory of the Russian Federation are manufactured under 641 trade names in 35 countries of the world. Russia's share in the production of the above groups of drugs is 303 (47%) trade names. The share of foreign manufacturers is 338 (53%) trade names. The drugs of the studied groups are mainly produced in the form of tablets counting 367 (57%) trade names. Conclusions. In 2003, the first recommendations of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Cardiology and the Association of Pediatric Cardiologists of Russia were created in connection with the urgent need to determine the principles of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of hypertension in children (1-12 years old) and adolescents (13-18 years old). Currently, one of the main and relevant documents is the Clinical Recommendations of “Arterial Hypertension in Children”, developed by the professional association of pediatric cardiologists of Russia and the Union of Pediatricians of Russia and approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 2016. The use of antihypertensive drugs in children and adolescents is complicated by an insufficient scientific database on the effectiveness of drugs and their pharmacokinetics in children, as well as the lack of recommendations from drug manufacturers on the use of many drugs in childhood and adolescence.
Key words: артериальная гипертензия, дети и подростки, медицинская и фармацевтическая помощь, контент-анализ
Samoshchenkova I. F., Garankina R.Yu., Lebedeva N.Y., Khmarina A.K., Omelchenko A.A.
UDC: 615.273.015.2
Abstract: Objective. The objective of this article is the research of the structure of drugs assortment for the treatment of diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism included in the restrictive lists of drugs. Methods. We used a complex of scientific methods such as systemic, logical, marketing, structural types of analysis in this research. The objects of the study are regulatory legal acts, statistical compilations of the Ministry of Health care of the Russian Federation, State register of medicines, lists of vital necessary and important medicines (VNIM) and minimum range of medicines for pharmacies (MRM), as well as the procedure for their formation; the range of medicines used for the treatment of Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism class diseases included in the restrictive lists of VNIM and MRM; analytical data on the main indicators of the development of pharmaceutical market; health care standards. Results. The total number of international nonproprietary names (INN) used in the treatment of CLASS III D50-D89 Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism included in the 2019 VNIM list is 113 INNs, 160 drug forms (DF). The total number of trade names (TN) is 797, the part of domestically produced drugs is 62%, imported drugs - 38%. The main dosage form of drugs used for the treatment of Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism class diseases is solutions for infusions (30%). It was found that drugs of group “B - Blood and blood flow” were not included in the minimum range of medicines (MRM) in 2019. Out of all 6 anatomical therapeutic chemical classification system (ATC) groups used in the treatment of Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism class diseases only 3 pharmacological groups contain drugs used in the treatment of these nosologies in MRM 2019, which are represented by 8 INNs. Conclusions. An analysis of the range of nosologies studied and the ATC classification groups showed that three to six ATC groups were used to treat this category of patients. The range of vital necessary and important medicines used in the treatment of the group of diseases under investigation was developed.
Key words: перечень жизненно необходимых и важнейших лекарственных препаратов, минимальный ассортимент лекарственных препаратов, структура ассортимента, лекарственный препарат, нозология, класс болезни крови, кроветворных органов и отдельные нарушения, вовлекающие иммунный механизм
Samoshchenkova I.F., Garankina R.Yu., Lebedev A.V., Bobkova E.A., Omelchenko A.A.
UDC: 615.377
Abstract: Objective. The objective of this article is the research of the structure of drugs assortment used for the treatment of neoplasms class diseases included in the restrictive lists of drugs. Methods. We used a complex of scientific methods such as systemic, logical, marketing, structural types of analysis in this research. The objects of the study are regulatory legal acts, statistical compilations of the Ministry of Health care of the Russian Federation, State register of medicines, lists of vital necessary and important medicines (VNIM) and minimum range of medicines (MRM) for pharmacies , as well as the procedure for their formation; the range of medicines used for the treatment of neoplasm class diseases included in the restrictive lists of VNIM and MRM ; analytical data on the main indicators of the development of pharmaceutical market; health care standards. Results. The total number of international nonproprietary names (INNs) used in the treatment of CLASS II C00-D48 Neoplasms included in the 2019 VNIM list is 142 INNs, 96 dosage forms (DFs). The total number of trade names (TNs) is 809, the part of domestically produced drugs is 48.32%, imported drugs - 51.68%. The main dosage form of drugs used for the treatment of Neoplasm class diseases is film-coated tablets (21.79%). It is worth mentioning that drugs of group “L - Antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents” are not included MRM in 2019. Out of all 10 anatomical therapeutic chemical classification system (ATC) groups used in the treatment of Neoplasm class diseases only 4 pharmacological groups contain drugs used in the treatment of these nosologies in MRM 2019, which are represented by 10 INNs. Conclusions. The analysis of drugs assortment used in the treatment of Neoplasm class diseases showed that from one to ten ATC-groups are prescribed for the therapy of this patients category. The presence of drugs from different ATC groups in the assortment indicates that the treatment of neoplasms requires the complex use of drugs with different mechanisms of action to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.
Key words: перечень жизненно необходимых и важнейших лекарственных препаратов, минимальный ассортимент лекарственных препаратов, структура ассортимента, лекарственный препарат, нозология, класс новообразования
Shakhabov I.V., Melnikov Yu.Yu., Smyshlyaev A.V.
UDC: 614.2
Abstract: Objective. To study the dynamics of changes in the average salary of doctors (including workers with higher education who provide medical services) and estimate the cost of living index in the Russian Federation in the period 2013-2019. Methods. The study used data taken from reporting forms for Rosstat. The method of descriptive statistics was used to analyze the changes in the average salary of doctors and workers with higher education who provide medical services in the Russian Federation in the period 2013-2019. Statistical processing of the material was carried out. Results. In the Central, Northwestern, Ural and Far Eastern FDs, the difference between the minimum and maximum average wages among the subjects of the Russian Federation is more than 3 times. While in other FDs (South, North Caucasian, Volga, Siberian) the differences between the minimum and maximum average wages range from 1.2-1.4 times. By 2019, the difference between the average wages of workers among the subjects of the Russian Federation with the maximum and with the minimum level of average wages was more than 4 times, the index of the cost of living in the administrative centers of these subjects of the Russian Federation is 1.62 (Anadyr) and 0.78 (Magas) times, respectively. This trend is typical for the entire studied period (2013-2019). Conclusions. Currently, there is a significant gap in the standard of living among various subjects of the Russian Federation. However, the cost of living index does not show synchronous differences. The current socio-economic conditions are not conducive to an equitable distribution of medical personnel across regions. It is necessary to develop and implement a “regional coefficient” to balance the level of wages of medical workers in all regions of the country.
Key words: заработная плата, врачи, здравоохранение
Belova L.I., Chernysheva I.V.
UDC: 61(09)((65))
Abstract: Objective.To consider the features of the state of health, diseases, as well as the development of medical practices, methods of healing among the peoples inhabiting the territory of the Black Sea region in the period of Antiquity. Methods.The authors proceed from the statement that traditional medicine of the peoples of the Black Sea region combines both a rational component, which is based on the centuries-old experience of traditional medicine, and irrational. The comparative method gives an opportunity to understand the common and different, both in the practice of healing and in the state of health of these peoples. On the basis of the comparative method the general and specific approaches in the study of diseases and the development of healing practices of the peoples of the ancient Black Sea coast are distinguished. Results. The territory of the Black Sea region is a frontier territory, which is of a certain scientific interest, as a territory of active migrations over many centuries, contributing to the interaction of numerous tribes having a unique culture and their own methods of healing. An analysis of paleopathological data and written sources made it possible to determine the health status and specific diseases of nomadic peoples, which are basically related to the living conditions and everyday life. The historical evidence of ancient authors provided information on various aspects of everyday life, healing, among the peoples inhabiting the territory of the frontier. Conclusion. Based on a comparison of written and archaeological evidence, information on the development of traditional medicine of the peoples inhabiting the Black Sea region in Antiquity is systematized. The influence of lifestyle on the appearance and development of typical diseases, as well as the ways of the treatment are revealed.
Key words: античные источники, врачевание, кочевые племена, традиции, медицинская культура
Bekezin V.V., Platonov I.A.
UDC: 61:001:378
Abstract: One of the important activities of the Smolensk State Medical University is research work. In connection with the 100th anniversary of the university, a competition was announced among the scientific and pedagogical workers of the university based on the results of their research activities for the period 2015-2019. The study of the material was carried out by methods of comparative analysis of absolute and standardized indicators. An integrated assessment of all indicators was carried out on the basis of a calibrated assessment uniform scale (qualitative integrated assessment). As a result of the presented analytical data, the competition committee determined the winners for each nomination of the competition. The winners were awarded with cups and diplomas.
Key words: Смоленский государственный медицинский университет, научно-исследовательская деятельность, итоги юбилейных конкурсов