Poplavskaja E.A., Poplavskij D.Ju., Hilmanovich E.N.
UDC: 591.463.12:[577.114/.115:579.842.11]
Abstract: ObjectiveTo study the influence of the bacterial lipopolysaccharide Escherichia coli , administered to male rats, on the structure and functioning of primary spermatocytes of the seminiferous tubules of the testis in the long-term period after exposure. Methods . Male rats were injected LPS E. coli at a dose of 50 μg/kg of mass intraperitoneally, once. Paraffin sections were prepared, stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and gallocyanin-chromic alum according to Einarsson. The histochemical reactions were carried out on the cryostat sections in order to reveal the activity of LDH enzymes, NADNDG, G6FDG and NADPHDG. Studies of histological specimens, their microphotography, morphometry and cytophotometry were carried out at different magnifications of the Axioskop 2 plus microscope (Zeiss, Germany), the Leica DFC 320 digital camera (Leica Microsystems GmbH, Germany) and the ImageWarp image analysis software (Bit Flow, USA). Evaluation of the reliability of changes in numerical values was carried out using nonparametric statistics using the computer program Statistica 6.0 for Windows. Results. As the result of the study, it was found that the introduction of bacterial E. coli LPS to male rats in the long-term period after exposure leads to the following structural and functional changes in the convoluted seminiferous tubules of the rat testes: a significant decrease in the number of spermatogenic epithelial cells, in particular, primary spermatocytes, by 14.73% (p<0.05), as well as a significant decrease in the activity in the cytoplasm of the studied cells NADH2DG, by 19,53 % (p<0.05). At the same time, the level of NADPH2DG, LDH, and G6FDG activity, as well as the relative amount of RNP in the cytoplasm of primary spermatocytes, do not differ from those in the control. Conclusions. It was concluded that the injection of bacterial LPS of E. coli in the long-term period after exposure causes structural and functional changes in the cells of the spermatogenic epithelium of convoluted seminiferous tubules of testicles of rats, in particular, in primary spermatocytes, which is reflected in the reduction of their quantity, changes in the level of activity of some enzymes of energy metabolism in their cytoplasm, and may indicate changes to the structure of the precursor cells of sperm and their functions, lead to disruption of spermatogenesis and, consequently, the function of the organ as a whole.
Key words: семенник, бактериальный липополисахарид, первичные сперматоциты, сперматогенез
Voronkov Andrey Vladislavovich, Gerashchenko Anastasia Dmitrievna, Lysenko Tatyana Aleksandrovna, Shabanova Natalya Borisovna, Voronkova M.P.
UDC: 613.731: 615.322
Abstract: Objective. To study the actoprotective activity of the flavonoid catechin hydrate against the background of physical overload of animals. Methods. The experiment was conducted on 60 male mice (weight 20-25 g.) divided into six equal experimental groups (n=10). Analyte-the substance catechin hydrate (100 mg/kg), the drugs comparison - Metaprot (25 mg/kg), Hypoxen (150 mg/kg) and Mexidol (50 mg/kg). Physical activity was reproduced on the model of running animals on the treadmill for 5 days. The studied substance and drugs of comparison were administered intragastric for 30 minutes until a reproducible load. On the 6th day were evaluated antioxidant activity, by sampling the skeletal muscles of animals (chloralhydrate anesthesia-350мг/kg). Results. When studying the actoprotective activity of the substance catechin hydrate, it was found that the course administration leads to an increase in physical endurance of animals. At the same time, there is a removal of oxidative stress, which is reflected in the reduction of Pro-oxidants, and an increase in antioxidant activity. Conclusions. In the course of the study, it was found that the studied substance catechin hydrate exhibits actoprotective activity, while not inferior in activity to the true actoprotector Metaprot.
Key words: актопротектор, катехин гидрат, физические перегрузки, флавоноиды, антиоксидантная активность
Taube A.A., Romanov B. K.
UDC: 614.275+615.065-072+616.095
Abstract: Objective. The aim of the work is to analyze the methodological approach to making a decision by an expert when assessing the results of CI as part of the registration dossier of a new drug and justifying clinical trials. Methods. A content analysis of regulatory documents, recommendations of the main Russian, international and foreign regulatory organizations, as well as scientific articles, the results of original research and professional sites was carried out. As a result of the structural and functional analysis, the methodological basis of the algorithm for the expert of the regulatory body is proposed. Results. The role of animal models in obtaining prognostic criteria for assessing the occurrence of adverse reactions in humans is analyzed. Non-clinical biomarkers are structured and promising for improving the conduct of non-clinical studies are identified to justify the conduct of clinical studies. An algorithm is proposed for creating a decision support system for an expert of a regulatory body. Conclusion. The search for objective criteria for the transformation of non-clinical data into clinical data is urgent. Modern scientific advances make it possible to compare the results of non-clinical studies with the results of clinical studies. In recent years, it has become possible to develop and analyze a database on the correspondence of markers in animals to humans. The creation of the database will allow evaluating the predictive abilities of the animal model to ensure the safety of people. The adverse reactions of animals associated with the immunogenicity of drugs have not been sufficiently studied. At the same time, the ability to compare the relative immunogenicity in primates and humans is low. This direction is relevant and promising for research. The scientific interpretation of adverse events and their impact on the overall risk of drug use versus benefit in the context of clinical indications should be adequately described and addressed in regulatory documents. An algorithm based on a database of predictive criteria for the results of non-clinical trials can be used as the basis for creating an expert decision support system to justify the conduct of clinical trials.
Key words: экспертиза, неклинические исследования, неклиническая безопасность, биомаркер, регуляторный орган
Belenky A.E., Evseev A.V., Evseeva M.A., Surmenev D.V., Sosin D.V., Danilov A.I., Shalaeva O.E., Pereverzev V.A., Stepanov D.V.
UDC: 616-001.8:615.35 1
Abstract: Objective. To study the antihypoxic properties of some complex compounds of II-valence metals in the model of acute hypobaric hypoxia (AHbH). Methods. The experiments were performed on 154 male CBF1 mice weighing 20-30 g. The state of AHbH in the animals was formed by discharging atmospheric air to 185 mm Hg which corresponded to an altitude of 11,000 m above sea level - "death site". "Elevation" was carried out uniformly at a speed of 50 m/s. Air was removed using a Kamovsky pump. In total, 6 new complex compounds of II-valence metals were studied: πQ2025 (zinc), πQ2116 (nickel), πQ2527 (magnesium), πQ2552 (calcium), πQ2897 (vanadium), πQ2957 (titanium). The substances were dissolved in 0.3 ml of physiological NaCl solution and injected once intraperitoneally in doses of 10, 25 and 50 mg/kg 60 minutes before placing the mice in the conditions of AHbH. A well-known antihypoxant of the aminothiol origin Amtizole was used as a reference substance in the same doses and conditions. Results. Among the studied complex compounds 2 substances were identified - πQ2025, πQ2116 which demonstrated an antihypoxic effect on the AHbH model after administration. The nickel-containing substance πQ2116 proved to be the most active. It was found that the substance πQ2116 is by 2 times stronger than the reference substance Amtizole in its ability to increase the resistance of animals to AHbH. Conclusion. It has been suggested that the mechanism of the antihypoxic action of metal complex compounds πQ2025 and πQ2116 is realized to a large extent due to a decrease in energy metabolism which is confirmed by the dynamics of changes in rectal temperature in mice. acute hypobaric hypoxia, complex compounds of II-valence metals, antihypoxants, mice
Key words: острая гипобарическая гипоксия, комплексные соединения II-валентных металлов, антигипоксанты, мыши
Fedulova K.D., Izmozherova N.V., Ivanova A.V.
UDC: 615.011.5
Abstract: Objective. To perform molecular docking between the antiviral drug riamilovir and N-chain HSP90α. Methods. Molecular docking was performed using software AutoDock Tools 1.5.6. Binding pockets of this protein were examined from crystal structures and were evaluated using the PyMOL Molecular Graphics System X-ray crystallographic structure of HSP90, complex of HSP90α N-domain with the HSP90 inhibitor FJ5 (PBD ID: 5XRB) was used. The structure of riamilovir was taken from PubChem database, PubChem CID: 3113817, and then converted from SDF into PBD format with Open Babel 2.4.1. Results. As a result of molecular docking of HSP90α N-domain with riamilovir conformations were obtained and divided into 20 clusters; the minimum binding energy was -5.06 kcal/mol. During the the formation of the protein-drug complex, the formation of hydrogen and van der Waals bonds with nearby amino acid residues is possible. Conclusion. The results of the molecular docking of riamilovir with the N-chain of the HSP90α protein confirms the possibility of this interaction.
Key words: риамиловир, молекулярный докинг, HSP90a
Fominykh S.G., Danilov A.I., Kalchenko E.V., Gonnoshenko V.N., Khaykina E.V., Evseev A.V.
UDC: 616.24-002-02:579.842.16:[615.015.8:615.33]
Abstract: Objective. To construct an interval prognosis for the detection of the leading causative agent of nosocomial pneumonia in the etiological structure and to assess the prospects for the use of the main antimicrobial drugs in this pathology. Methods. The object of the study was an emergency hospital, designed for 660 beds, providing emergency medical care to residents of a large industrial city with a population of more than a million people. Bacteriological examination of sputum was carried out by the standard disc-diffusion method. Epidemiological control of respiratory pathogens was carried out in a passive way at an average level, involving the collection of all pathogens of NP in hospitalized patients in a certain period of time (per year) during the period from 2005 to 2018. To assess the qualitative properties of microorganisms, we used the method of constructing histograms (using the application package of computer programs "Statistica 8». Results. Based on the data of monitoring the quantitative and qualitative properties of causative agents of nosocomial pneumonia in patients treated in an emergency hospital, obtained over a 14-year follow-up period, the leading position of K. pneumoniae was established, with an average value of the proportion of this microorganism equal to 31.78±1.23%. Extrapolation of the interval prediction method to the qualitative characteristics of K. pneumoniae by the average diameter of the zone of inhibition of the growth of K. pneumoniae colonies. pneumoniae caused by ceftriaxone, cefoperazone/sulbactam, imipenem/cilastatin, meropenem, amikacin and ciprofloxacin allowed us to determine that the potential of cefoperazone/sulbactam and imipenem/cilastatin is in the range of 75-100% of possible efficacy, meropenem-50%, amikacin-25-50%. Prospects for the use of ceftriaxone and ciprofloxacin for the treatment of patients with nosocomial pneumonia were not found. Conclusion. The construction of an interval search forecast allows us to identify a certain leading causative agent of nosocomial pneumonia in the etiological structure and assess the prospects for the use of certain antimicrobial agents.
Key words: пневмония, этиология, K. pneumoniae, резистентность, антибиотики
Bon E.I., Maksimovich N.E.
UDC: 612.398.145.3
Abstract: Objective. Generalization and systematization of literature data on the types of damage and death of nerve cells. Methods . The basis of this study was a review of the literature on this topic. Results. With the development of the process of neurodegeneration, death of predominantly nerve cells and activation of the glial component of the nervous tissue occur. The vast majority of neurons during the development of the neurodegenerative process does not die from direct exposure to the lethal factor, although its effect at the initial stages is not excluded, but as a result of the gradual depletion of protective mechanisms and activation of the self-destruction program. Conclusions. The study of the types and mechanisms of the implementation of cell death is important and relevant when conducting clinical studies, experimental modeling and diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases.
Key words: нейродегенерация, нейроны, виды клеточной гибели, апоптоз, некроз, аутофагическая гибель, сенесценция, митотическая катастрофа
Bon Elizaveta I., Zimatkin Sergey M., Maksimovich Nataliya Yv.
UDC: 616.831.31-005.4.-092.913:618.33
Abstract: Objective. Generalization and systematization of literature data on the effect of hypoxia on morphofunctional characteristics of brain neurons and molecular markers of ischemic hypoxia. Methods. The basis of this study was a review of the literature on this topic. Results. Ischemic hypoxia causes similar structural and metabolic disorders in neurons in different parts of the cerebral cortex, the severity and rate of development of which depends on the phylogenetic age of the formation. To a greater extent, violations are expressed in the neocortex, the neurons of which are most sensitive to a lack of oxygen due to the high level of energy consumption. Hyperchromic wrinkled neurons - cells with an abnormal shape and size can act as a marker of the severity of dystrophic processes. Violations of their ultrastructure (swelling of mitochondria, disorganization of the cisterns of the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi complex) also indicate ischemic damage. A number of molecular markers, such as neuron-specific enolase, neuroglobin, heat shock proteins, make it possible to assess the depth and severity of hypoxic damage. Conclusion. Further study of the pathogenesis and consequences of cerebral ischemia will serve as a fundamental basis for improving methods of diagnosis, prevention, treatment and assessment of the effectiveness of the methods used to correct this pathology.
Key words: гипоксия, нейроны головного мозга, молекулярные маркеры
Racheeva Yu.V., Avchinnikova D.A., Bykova A.V., Khoroshkeeva Ya.Yu., Khoruzhenko O.M.
UDC: 616-08:616.98
Abstract: Objective. The study was conducted to assess the dynamics of the condition in patients admitted to the infectious diseases hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method. The sample consisted of 31 patients with a diagnosis of coronavirus infection complicated by bilateral interstitial pneumonia of various severity, who were randomized into 3 groups based on NEWS scores, reflecting the severity of their condition. Anamnestic data, body mass index values, peculiarities of the pneumonia course, changes in some laboratory parameters in three groups at 1,7,14 days were analyzed. All the obtained data with a non-normal distribution (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) were statistically processed according to the standard method and presented as median (Ме), minimum (Min) and maximum (Max) values. The significance of differences between the groups was determined using the Mann-Whitney U-test with the significance level of 0.95. Results. It was detected that all the patients included in the sample requiring hospitalization have an increased BMI, which confirms the advisability of taking into account overweight as a risk factor for a complicated course of coronavirus infection. The hospitalized patients diagnosed with coronavirus infection complicated by pneumonia have a history of one or more chronic diseases in 70% of cases. The course of the disease in all hospitalized patients included in the sample had a positive tendency, and by the 14 day in 100% of cases corresponded to a low level of severity according to the NEWS score. The volume of lung tissue damage, according to CT data, was 24% for the group with a low severity, 36% for a moderate degree, and 60% for a high degree. Conclusion. The obtained statistically significant differences between the groups allow to conclude that there is a direct correlation between the severity level on the NEWS scale and a greater frequency of shifts in the levels of such blood parameters as total protein, glucose, leukocytes, ALT, LDH.
Key words: коронавирусная инфекция, двусторонняя полисегментарная пневмония, шкала NEWS, лабораторный профиль
Golovanova E.D., Airapetov K.V., Demenkova A.I., Zhigunova A.S., Bazhenova D.S.
UDC: 616.-053.9(001)
Abstract: Objective. To examine body composition of middle-aged and elderly patients with varying degrees of obesity by means of BIA for early detection of sarcopenia. Methods. We examined 95 patients at the therapeutic area at the age of 40-60 years (n=31) - 1 group, at the age of 6-74 years (n =64) - 2 group with various comorbid pathologies. Anthropometric measures (height, weight, BMI); body composition elements: intra- and extracellular water, total amount of water, lean body mass, body and visceral fat mass, muscle mass (ММ) were examined by means of the BIA analyzer of body composition «Multiscan BC-OXi» (Russia). To diagnose sarcopenia muscular force was measured (MF) by means of the hand dynamometer TVES-DMER-120, muscle performance (MP) - by means of the test «walking speed by 4 metres». Results. Overweight and obesity of 1-3 degree among middle-aged outpatients over 40 years old is 85%, and among elderly patients - 88%. The reduction of MM and total amount of water is highly likely to happen to patients with the 1st degree of obesity and thus to increase the risk of presarcopenia development, but 60% of middle-aged and 45% of elderly patients still preserve the normal body composition proportions. With the 2nd degree of obesity the prevalence of sarcopenia or severe sarcopenia is 80% regardless of age, and practically everyone of the examined with the 3rd degree of obesity has it. Conclusion. The examination of body composition by means of BIA allows to identify a «risk group» for the development of sarcopenia among outpatients over 40 years old with the 1st degree of obesity, if the index of MM is less than 30% of the total body weight, and to introduce preventive measures at presarcopenia stage, when body resources for muscle mass preservation are not depleted yet.
Key words: композиционный состав тела, саркопения, ожирение, биоимпедансометрия, зрелый и пожилой возраст
Blazhko A.S., Pereverzev V.A., Sikorsky A.V., Evseev A.V., Pravdivtsev V.A., Nikitina O.S., Razvodovsky Yu.E., Velkom M.O., Korzun D.L., Pereverzeva E.V.
UDC: 616.89-008.441.13-053.81:613
Abstract: Objective. To study the prevalence of alcohol consumption (including its recognized amount, frequency, and harmful consequences) among junior students of different sexes in comparison with similar indicators ten years ago; as well as to analyze the dynamics of the increase in the proportion of young people who use alcohol in different age periods of their mental development. Method. The study was carried out with the voluntary participation of 1st and 2nd year students of all faculties of the educational institution "Belarusian State Medical University "("BSMU"). All students who agreed to participate in the study completed three questionnaires: "General" and questionnaires of psychometric tests "AUDIT" and "CAGE". For a complete analysis, we used questionnaires of students who scored 6-10 points (60-100%) in the "Sincerity" test. In 2019/2020, there were 690 such questionnaires from 526 girls and 164 boys, in 2007/2008, their number was 565 from 415 female students and 150 male students. The answers to the questions of the "AUDIT" and "CAGE" tests allowed us to assess the presence of alcohol-related problems in the respondents, as well as to calculate the frequency and volume (one-time, monthly and annual in terms of absolute ethanol) its consumption. The questions of the questionnaire "General" allowed to additionally calculate the length (total duration) and the age of the beginning of alcohol consumption, as well as to find out the age of the respondent, their gender, religion, attitude to a healthy lifestyle. For all 690 students, the average academic performance score in the discipline studied at the time of the study was calculated. The inter-gender gradient in the respondents was calculated as the ratio of the prevalence of a sober lifestyle and the use of alcoholic beverages (including in a dangerous and harmful mode, i.e., when abusing ethanol) among young people (girls and boys) of different sexes. The research materials were subjected to statistical processing using the methods of parametric and nonparametric analysis. Results. A decrease in the prevalence of a sober lifestyle among undergraduate students in 2019/2020 was found in comparison with the data of 2007/2008. In girls, it was 5.9% due to an increase in the proportion of female students who consume alcohol in low-risk mode by 4.5% and in dangerous and harmful modes by 1.4% (χ2=7,771; p<0.05 at df=2). Among young men, the decrease in the prevalence of a sober lifestyle was 2.7% due to a significant increase of people who drink alcohol in a low-risk mode by 13.1%, while the decrease in ethanol consumption in dangerous and harmful modes - by 10.4% (χ2=6,186; p<0.05 at df=2). The result of these changes in the specific weight of alcohol consumption by young people in different modes was a decrease in the inter-gender gradient of "alcohol consumption with harmful consequences" between girls and boys by 1.8 times: among junior students in the 2007/2008 academic year, it was equal to 1:3.05; for 2019/2020 students, it was only 1:1.69. The prevalence of alcohol use and its dynamics in girls were significantly wider by 1.19-2.36 times (χ2=28,720; p<0.001 at df=9) and faster by 1.20-3.25 times (χ2=14,359; p<0.01 at df=4) rates in all age periods of mental development of children and adolescents compared to boys. Conclusion. A decrease in the proportion of young people who lead a sober lifestyle and a significant decrease in the inter-gender gradient of "alcohol consumption with harmful consequences" between girls and boys by 1.8 times in 2019/2020 compared to that in the 2007/2008 academic year, as well as a wider prevalence of ethanol consumption and its more pronounced dynamics in girls by 1.19-2.36 times (p<0.001) and 1.20-3.25 times (p<0.01) compared to boys in all age periods of mental development of children and teenagers were revealed. This indicates a significant increase in alcohol problems among young women in Belarus and the need for constant monitoring of the prevalence of alcohol consumption by them, as well as the promotion of a sober lifestyle, first of all, among parents, and then schoolgirls and students, with the active involvement of teachers, coaches, and clergy.
Key words: молодежь, студенты, школьники, пол, этанол, употребление алкоголя
Ajrapetov K.V., Golovanova E.D., Ivanova A. I., Mavrova A.A.
UDC: 616.-053.9(001)
Abstract: Objective. To analyze the use of antihypertensive drug in patients with cardiovascular disease and sarcopenia in general practice. Methods. 106 patients with coronary heart disease (CHD), arterial hypertension (AH), diabetes mellitus (Class 2) at the age from 38 to 87 have been examined in a district covered by a therapist. They were separated into 2 groups: 1 (n=27) with sarcopenia of different severity, 2 (n=79) without sarcopenia. The fact of having sarcopenia was determined with the criteria EWGSOP 2010 (muscle mass and muscle function were examined with the help of «clenched hands» and the speed of the gait). The diagnosis of AH was conducted with recommendations of European (ESC, 2018) and the Russian (2019) Society of cardiology (RSC); CHD - with clinical guidelines by RSC 2020. We conducted the analysis of the frequency in taking antihypertensive medications as a monotherapy, combination therapy, using fixed drug combinations and also the monitoring of adherence (regular and irregular taking antihypertensive drugs). Results. The prevalence of sarcopenia in the chosen patients was 25,5%. The frequency of diabetes mellitus (Class 2), obesity of 2-3 classes was higher among patients with sarcopenia compared to the other group (p<0,005). The frequency of prescribing inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), beta blockers and diuretics were compared in two groups (p>0,05). The patients with sarcopenia were given antagonists Ca (44,4%) and Methormin (40,1%). Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs, 22,8%) were used more often. Combination 2-component therapy was used more in patients without sarcopenia, 3- and 4-component was used in patients with sarcopenia. From fixed drug combinations (FDC) were used: ACE (Perindopril) + diuretics (indapamide) - 29,6% of cases, or : ACE ( Perindopril) + beta blockers (bisoprolol) - 19,1 % of cases. The adherence to regular taking drugs in patients with sarcopenia was 69,7%, and 65,7% in patients without sarcopenia (the difference could be statically false). Conclusion. Therefore, the patients in general practice older than 40 with coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus (class 2) were examined with the high level of spreading sarcopenia - a geriatric syndrome requires a comprehensive approach with using as a standard hypertensive and antihypertensive drug therapy as non-medicamental treatment.
Key words: саркопения, коморбидность, антигипертензивная терапия
Golovanova E.D., Antonyuk E.A., Marshutin N.A., Zhukova N.A.
UDC: 616.1+615.22
Abstract: Objective. To study the features of antiplatelet/anticoagulant therapy in patients with different risks of thromboembolic complications by primary care cardiologists. Methods. A retrospective analysis of medical records was performed in 100 patients aged 45 to 85 years in polyclinics of Smolensk for 2019-2020, who were observed in cardiologists with: acute coronary syndrome (ACS), atrial fibrillation (AF), various percutaneous cardiovascular interventions (stent placement, pacemaker, aortocoronary bypass surgery) in the anamnesis. The risk of thromboembolic complications (TEO) was calculated on the CHA2DS2-VASc scale, the risk of hemorrhagic complications on the HAS-BLED scale. The frequency of the use of antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants in the form of mono - and dual therapy, depending on the risk of TEO, was analyzed. Results. 70% of the examined patients had a high risk of TEO - the average score on the CHA2DS2VASc scale was 3,7±1,2. The risk of hemorrhagic complications in 86% was low - the average score on the HAS-BLED scale was 1,9±0,7. The risk of TEO was higher in women, regardless of age, compared to men (p>0.05). Double antiplatelet therapy was presented by a combination of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) with clopidogrel, or with ticagrelor, or warfarin and was used in all patients who underwent ACS, coronary stenting or bypass surgery for up to 1 year. Of the 37 patients with AF, only 60,4% received PLA or warfarin, although most of them had a low risk of hemorrhagic complications (less than 2 points on the HAS-BLED scale). In general, in patients with AF in outpatient practice, warfarin was used 2 times more often in comparison with NOAC; achieving the target values of INR was noted in 76% of them. In 39,6% of patients with AF, ASA, clopidogrel or ticagrelor were used as monotherapy. Conclusion. The study demonstrated that in the outpatient practice of the city polyclinics of Smolensk, all patients with a history of ACS, as well as those who underwent coronary bypass surgery (or stenting), received double antiplatelet therapy, in 76% of patients receiving warfarin, INR values were within the target values, in patients with a high risk of hemorrhagic complications, an individual approach was used. However, not all the reserves of modern antithrombotic therapy were used. None of the patients with a high risk of TEO (4 or more points on the CHA2DS2-VASc scale) used triple antiplatelet therapy, and the frequency of NOAC use in patients with AF did not meet current clinical recommendations, since not all patients with a low risk of hemorrhagic complications received double antiplatelet therapy.
Key words: антиагреганты, антикоагулянты, фибрилляция предсердий, тромбоэмболические осложнения
Usacheva N.E., Novikov V.E., Myakisheva T.V., Ponamoreva N.S.
UDC: 616-01/-099
Abstract: Objective. To summarize the results of epidemiological studies of tuberculosis infection among the Russian children population in order to optimize measures for the prevention of tuberculosis in children. Methods. Collection, systematization and analysis of modern scientific research data on the relevant problem. Results. In the Russian Federation, the situation with children's tuberculosis remains quite tense. Drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to anti-tuberculosis drugs is widespread. The country conducts a mass preventive survey of the child population from the age of 12 months to 17 years inclusive. The coverage of preventive examinations of children in 2019 was 73.7% (per 100 thousand of the population). According to the results of screening, high-risk groups for tuberculosis are formed, dispensary monitoring and treatment of children with latent tuberculosis infection are established. In the groups of dispensary registration, preventive measures are carried out, taking into account possible risk factors. Currently, there are 5 groups of risk factors that can be specific or non-specific. The main risk factor for children with tuberculosis is a specific epidemiological factor (prolonged contact with a person with active tuberculosis). The focus with the greatest risk of tuberculosis infection is the place where there is a patient with respiratory tuberculosis who secretes Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Conclusion. To prevent the aggravation of the epidemic situation with tuberculosis, it is important to identify the foci of tuberculosis infection in a timely manner and improve preventive measures in them. Children from foci of tuberculosis infection are indicated for the appointment of preventive chemotherapy with anti-tuberculosis drugs. The effectiveness of preventive pharmacotherapy is largely determined by the sensitivity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the mode of chemotherapy. To increase the effectiveness of drug pharmacotherapy to prevent the development of tuberculosis infection in children and optimize the cost of its implementation, pharmacoepidemiological and pharmacoeconomical studies are necessary.
Key words: туберкулезная инфекция, эпидемиология детского туберкулеза, очаг туберкулезной инфекции, факторы риска развития туберкулеза
Usacheva N.E., Myakisheva T.V., Novikov V.E.
UDC: 616-01/-099
Abstract: Objective. To summarize the results of studies on the immunodiagnostics of tuberculosis infection among children in order to optimize measures for the prevention of tuberculosis in children. Methods. Collection, systematization and analysis of data from the scientific literature and the results of own research on the relevant problem. Results. For early detection of tuberculosis infection in children under 8 years of age, an intradermal test with a purified tuberculosis allergen - tuberculin (Mantoux test) is performed. Children aged 8-17 years are tested with the recombinant tuberculosis allergen (ATR). The main advantage of the ATR test is the absence of a positive reaction to BCG vaccination. The sensitivity of the sample is 98-100%, the specificity is 90-100%. The detection rate of tuberculosis among children and adolescents using the ATR test is significantly higher compared to the Mantoux test. In addition to skin tests with allergens, there are in vitro diagnostic tests based on the release of interferon-gamma (interferon-gamma release assay) by T-lymphocytes. In Russia, as an alternative method of immunodiagnostics of tuberculosis, the diagnosticum T-SPOT TB is allowed for use. Conclusion. Mass immunodiagnostics of the child population allows the formation of high-risk groups for tuberculosis. Skin immunological tests (ATR test, Mantoux test) are considered as the main ones in the diagnosis of tuberculosis infection. In children under 8 years of age, when conducting a Mantoux test, it is necessary to differentiate between post-vaccination (BCG vaccine) and infectious allergies. Tuberculosis infection in children is more often detected by a comparative analysis of the dynamics of the results of an immunological test.
Key words: туберкулезная инфекция, иммунодиагностика туберкулеза, проба Манту, аллерген туберкулезный рекомбинантный
Koroleva A.E., Bekezin V.V., Meshkova R.Ya., Sazonenkova L.V., Volkova E.V.
UDC: 616.211-002
Abstract: Objective. To study the profile of hypersensitivity to aeroallergens and their structure, as well as the features of the indicators of humoral immunity in children with allergic rhinitis, depending on their body mass index (BMI). Methods. A total of 45 children with allergic rhinitis at the age from 4 to 8 years old were examined. In accordance with the SDS BMI indicators, children were divided into 3 groups. Group 1 included 22 children with normal body mass index values (-1,0≤SDS BMI<1,0). The second group consisted of 13 children with BMI below normal, i.e. BMI less than -1,0 SDS BMI. 2 children with overweight and 8 children with obesity were included in the 3rd group (n=10). To determine sensitization to aeroallergens, skin scarification tests were performed in all children. Immunoglobulins A, M, G were determined on an automatic biochemical analyzer Konelab 20XTi (Germany). Results. Analysis of the data obtained showed that 22,2% of children with allergic rhinitis at the age of 4-8 years are overweight or obese. It was revealed that hypersensitivity to aeroallergens of house dust mites is the leading cause of sensitization in children 4-8 years old with allergic rhinitis in all 3 groups (frequency of sensitization - 60,0-69,2%). In children with overweight or obesity, allergic rhinitis is 2,64 times more likely (p<0,05) due to monosensitization to aeroallergens compared with children with normal BMI values. In children of the 2nd group, the combined type of hypersensitivity is recorded 3,1 times more often compared with children of the 3rd group (p<0,05). The average values of serum immunoglobulins (IgG and IgM) in children of the 3rd group tended to decrease in comparison with the same indicators in children of the 1st and 2nd groups. Conclusion. The peculiarities of sensitization and humoral status in children with allergic rhinitis and overweight or obesity (group 3) compared with children of other weight categories are the high frequency of registration of the monovalent type of sensitization (in 60% of children) and a decrease in serum immunoglobulins M and G.
Key words: аллергический ринит, дети, индекс массы тела, сенсибилизация, иммуноглобулины
Svoboda P.N., Shestakova V.N., Sosin D.V., Borovkova V.N., Burlakova P.V., Vasiltsova A.A., Voskresenskaya O.N.
UDC: 613.955
Abstract: Objective. To study the state of the health of children from the age of 7 years to 10 years with dyslexia who are brought up in social institutions for minors. Methods. Since 2015, the study has been conducted, the object of the study were children of 7-10 years who live in social institutions for minors. Initially, 300 children were examined, including 50 children with speech defects. 20 children with dyslexia and 30 children without dyslexia. The reference source was collected by copying the primary information from the history of the child's development (f. 112/y), the cards of the speech therapist and defectologist, the results of the questionnaire of teachers, educators, and the conclusions of the psychologist. Results. The relationship between the general state of children's health and the presence of dyslexia was revealed. Children with speech disorders significantly more often have chronic diseases and less often functional, which is reflected in different distribution of children in health groups, and a more frequent incidence of children with dyslexia compared to children without these disorders. Children with dyslexia are characterized by a lesion of the central nervous system, which is manifested by certain problems on the part of the psychoemotional sphere. Conclusion. The health of children with dyslexia is significantly worse, its changes are uneven, the rate of violations is clear, chronic pathology is formed more often and the number of children with functional disorders is less. The most important task is to study the development of a child at all stages of ontogenesis, which can help to specify the causes of the disorder, identify the main clinical markers and risk factors that contribute to its violation, justify the risk groups and predict the occurrence of a particular condition in critical periods of life.
Key words: дети с дислексией, здоровье, воспитанники учреждений социальной сферы для несовершеннолетних
Borovykh M.V., Shestakova V.N., Sosin D.V., Borovkova V.N., Svoboda P.N., Vasiltsova A.A., Voskresenskaya O.N.
UDC: 613.955
Abstract: Objective. To study the frequency of menstrual cycle disorders among the girls who are brought up in social institutions for minors. Methods. The study involved 100 girls, 50 of them were girls who were brought up in well-off families, the others 50 were girls who were brought up in social institutions for minors. The degree of puberty was assessed by the complex development of underarm hair (Ax) and pubic hair (P), breast development (Ma), and the age of menstruation (Me). In the assessment of menstrual function, the following factors were taken into account: age of menarche, duration of the establishment of the menstrual cycle, duration of menstruation, the variation of the length of the menstrual cycle, the presence of signs of algodismenorea. Conclusions of ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs and mammary glands were used. Results. In the group of girls who are brought up in the social sphere, there is a significant increase in the time of the formation of a regular menstrual cycle, painful menstruation is noted, as well as certain features in the change in the duration of the course and volume of the menstrual cycle. Despite the fact that the majority of the respondents have the size of the pelvis within normal values, it was found that a quarter of the studied girls who are brought up in social institutions have an anatomically narrow pelvis of the 3rd degree. The parameters of the uterus and ovaries in all observation groups were within the average statistical values for the Russian Federation. From year to year, their values increased, which reflected the morphofunctional features of the child's body as it grew older. The echographic examination of the mammary glands, visual and manual examination did not reveal any gross organic lesions. Conclusion. Among the girls who are brought up in institutions of the social sphere for minors, the menstrual cycle is formed more slowly, its violations occur, and also various developmental anomalies are more often diagnosed, which must be taken into account during the dispensary examination and dynamic observation.
Key words: девочки подросткового возраста, воспитанницы учреждений социальной сферы, благополучная семья, нарушение менструального цикла
Musaev U.S., Tolorov J. Zh., Aitikeev A.U.
UDC: 616.366-089.85-06
Abstract: Objective. To assess the effectiveness of the use of preventive, including infrared laser radiation of the wound area and intravenous blood irradiation. Methods. Two groups of patients were identified, the first one was a control group, and patients received antibiotics (gentamicin 80 mg 2 times a day or ampicillin 1.0 g. 4 times intramuscularly) after surgery for 4-5 days (102 people). The second group is the main one, in which 2 groups are distinguished: the first - patients received antibiotics 1.0 intravenously 15-20 minutes before the operation and 1.0 by the end of the operation, and in the postoperative period - infrared irradiation of the postoperative wound with the «Matrix» apparatus with an exposure of 10 minutes, for a course of treatment 4-5 sessions (94 people). The second main one - patients of this group, in addition to antibiotics before and by the end of the operation, received intravenous infrared laser blood irradiation with an exposure of 20 minutes (24 people). The assessment of the course of the wound process was carried out by ultrasound in 1,3 and 5-6 days after the operation - the zone of wound infiltration was measured (in cm). Results. The indicators characterizing the activities of the surgical service in the Republic of Mordovia have analyzed. It has found that the number of surgeons in the region has increased over the past 10 years. The level of provision with doctors of this specialization has increased. Some indicators characterizing the bed fund and its using (structure, provision of the population with surgical beds, the average number of days of bed occupancy per year) are considered. For the most complete analysis of the organization of surgical care in the region, the dynamics of the percentage of surgical activity over the past 10 years has studied. The structure of surgical interventions in hospitals and polyclinics has presented. A comparative characteristic of some of the listed indicators in Mordovia and the Russian Federation and their distribution in the regions of the republic is given. Conclusions. In the control group, wound complications occurred in - 16 (15.6%), in patients with the first basic - in 8 (8.5%), and in patients with the second basic of 24, wound complications were detected in one (4.2%). Echo morphometry analysis made it possible to establish the dynamics of the wound infiltration zone with a successful course and with a complicated one. The zones of infiltration increased as much as possible on the 3rd day after the operation, and then it decreased.
Key words: острый холецистит, меры профилактики, инфракрасное облучение, осложнения, эхо
Kechemaykina M.I., Semeleva E.V.
UDC: 614.2
Abstract: Objective. Analysis of the performance indicators of the surgical service in the Republic of Mordovia during 2009-2018 and development of a strategy for optimizing the operation of surgical departments. Methods. Analytical and statistical methods were used. Results. The indicators characterizing the activities of the surgical service in the Republic of Mordovia were analyzed. It was found that the number of surgeons in the region has increased over the past 10 years. The level of provision with doctors of this specialization has increased. Some indicators characterizing the bed fund and its using (structure, provision of the population with surgical beds, the average number of days of bed occupancy per year) are considered. For the most complete analysis of the organization of surgical care in the region, the dynamics of the percentage of surgical activity over the past 10 years was studied. The structure of surgical interventions in hospitals and polyclinics are presented. A comparative characteristic of some of the listed indicators in Mordovia and the Russian Federation and their distribution in the regions of the republic is given. Conclusions. A characteristic of the activities of the surgical service of the republic is given, shortcomings in its organization are revealed. The promising directions for improving surgical care in Mordovia are outlined.
Key words: хирургическая служба, организация хирургической помощи, качество медицинских услуг, оптимизация
Varfolomeev D.I., Samoday V.G.
UDC: 616.728.2-089.87
Abstract: Objective. Comparative assessment of the acetabulum treatment using the proposed device and conventional surgical instruments. Methods. Experimental studies were conducted on 40 models of deformed acetabulum. They were made of ABC plastic using 3D printing technology based on computed tomography data from patients with post-traumatic coxarthrosis. A сup of cementless endoprosthesis was placed in each acetabulum. In the main group, osteophytes surrounding the acetabulum, were removed using the developed device, in the control group, osteotomes were used. The duration of mules treatment and pelvic damage were evaluated in both groups. Results. The average duration of osteophyte removal in the main group was 84±12 sec, in the control - 146±19 sec. In the control group, damage to the walls of the acetabulum was noted in 3 cases. In the main group, this complication did not occur. The device makes it possible to uniformly remove bone growths at the required distance from the endoprosthesis cup edge. Conclusion. The use of the developed surgical instrument can reduce the number of intraoperative complications during hip replacement and simplify the implementation of surgery.
Key words: эндопротезирование тазобедренного сустава, импинджмент, остеофиты, обработка вертлужной впадины
Ukrainets R.V., Korneva Yu.S.
UDC: 616.6:616-004
Abstract: Objective. To assess the location, type, and strength of correlations between cells in endometrioid cysts walls at various stages of their formation. Methods. The study included 57 patients with a histologically verified diagnosis of endometrioid ovarian cyst. Previously, based on a number of morphological features, all the endometrioid cysts were divided into "young", "mature" and "old". The number of lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, and macrophages in 10 fields of view was counted in the cyst wall after staining with hematoxylin and eosin at X400 magnification. Results. In the tissues of a "young" endometrioid cyst, macrophages of the stroma of the endometrioid lining have positive correlations with macrophages of other zones. The structure of correlation connections of lymphocytes is absolutely identical with macrophages. Correlations in the tissues of a "mature" endometrioid cyst between macrophages in different zones retain their number, location, and nature, but their strength changes. Correlations between lymphocytes no longer go side by side with macrophages, but still retain some similarities. Macrophages in all the studied areas of the "old" endometrioid cyst no longer form correlations with each other. The only correlation between uterine epithelial lymphocytes and endometrioid lining stroma lymphocytes remains, changing the direction from negative to positive. Positive correlations are observed between granulocytes in the studied areas, regardless of the type of endometrioid cyst. Conclusions. Macrophages are the cell center that regulates the homeostasis of endometrioid heterotopia, whose polarization during the evolution of the endometrioid cyst, aimed at eliminating the consequences of circulatory disorders, leads to depletion of the pool of endometrium-associated macrophages. Lymphocytes act as macrophages of the cell subordinate to the structure. Granulocyte infiltration as a manifestation of a classical acute inflammatory reaction from the theca stroma of the ovary during aging cysts overcomes the barrier in the form of a fibrous layer on the border of the theca and stroma of endometrioid heterotopy that causes the macrophages to activate fibrosis, causing compaction, which leads to disruption of blood supply to the tissue of endometrioid heterotopias, followed by gradual atrophy of the endometrial lining until its complete disappearance.
Key words: эндометриоз, макрофаги, лимфоциты, гранулоциты
Soloviev V.I., Ivanova A.I., Semkina E.N.
UDC: 616-006.04
Abstract: Objective. Determine the validity of the immunochemical method for detecting fecal occult blood in the early diagnosis of colorectal cancer. Methods. The FOB GOLD test accurately quantifies the haemoglobin (Hb) content of stool. Patients do not need to follow a special diet or change their lifestyle. The method is based on an antigen-antibody agglutination reaction between human haemoglobin present in the sample and an anti-haemoglobin-antibody on latex particles [6]. Interpretation of results: reference range - 0-50 ng/ml (normal range). With the results of 50-100 ng/ml - “grey area”, it is necessary to specify the diagnosis with additional diagnostic methods, follow-up for 3 months, and follow-up test. If the value is >100 ng/ml - it is a high probability of a malignant neoplasm (MNO). In that case a colonoscopy is required to specify the diagnosis [8]. In the study there were used the information from the official medical records and reports of the Smolensk region available in the Regional State Funded Healthcare Facility "Smolensk Regional Oncological Clinical Dispensary" (SROCD). The patients were divided into groups depending on age, gender, stage of the process and were compared according to these criteria. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using the StatSoft computer program "Statistica 10.0" using the Student's t-test, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Results. The FOB GOLD method allows to suspect the presence of not only colorectal cancer (CRC), but also pre-malignant conditions (polyps), as well as underlying medical conditions (diverticulosis, haemorrhoids, colitis). Conclusions. The fecal immunochemical method FOB GOLD, used in a new analysis of feces for occult blood, improves the diagnostic accuracy in comparison with the existing analogue - the benzidine test. The immunochemical method shows a higher specificity in detecting bleeding at the level of the colon and rectum, and, at the same time, it is unsusceptible to occult bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract.
Key words: метод FOB GOLD, скрининг, ранняя диагностика, колоректальный рак
Ramazanov G.R., Shevchenko E.V., Izmajlova A.M., Stepanov V.N., Kovaleva E.A., Muslimov R.Sh., Petrikov S.S.
UDC: 616.831-008.918
Abstract: Objective. To expand knowledge of the rare intracranial hypotension syndrome for early diagnosis and effective treatment. Methods. Collection, systematization and analysis of data from the scientific literature and the results of own research on the relevant problem. Results. Intracranial hypotension is a syndrome caused by a decrease of cerebrospinal fluid pressure in dural sac. Intracranial hypotension can broadly be divided into: iatrogenic and spontaneous. Iatrogenic intracranial hypotension is described as a result of cerebrospinal fluid leakage due to injury or medical intervention. Spontaneous intracranial hypotension, which is believed to be caused by an unrecognised predisposing factor. Clinical manifestations of intracranial hypotension include both benign symptoms, such as postural headache, nausea, and tinnitus, and life-threatening conditions with lowered level of consciousness. Currently, magnetic resonance imaging is the only effective method for diagnosing intracranial hypotension. A common approach to the treatment in patients with intracranial hypotension is bed rest, increased water intake, and restriction of physical activity. Conclusion. Intracranial hypotension can lead to intensive headache and lowered level of consciousness in patients with undergone medical intervention accompanying dural puncture. Magnetic resonance imaging allows to visualize signs of intracranial hypotension: narrowing of the lateral ventricles, subdural fluid collection, dural sinuses enlargement, decrease in mamillopontine distance and pontomesencephalic angle, pituitary gland enlargement.
Key words: внутричерепная гипотензия, постуральная головная боль, понтомезэнцефалический угол, мамиллопонтинное расстояние
Kurdjukov E.E., Mitishev A.V., Vodop'yanova O.A., Antropova N.V., Suhanova A.V.
UDC: 615.322:543.422.3
Abstract: Objective. Determine the amount of phenylpropanoids in moringa leaves by spectrophotometry. Methods. The content of phenylpropanoids was estimated by direct spectrophotometry in terms of chlorogenic acid. Results. Quantitative determination of the amount of of phenylpropanoids in moringa leaves by direct spectrophotometry. The presence of phenylpropanoids was confirmed by direct spectrophotometry in extracts from moringa leaves, and the analytical maxima of the studied compounds - 290 and 330 nm-were determined. The optimal conditions for the extraction of phenylpropanoids from the raw materials of this plant are justified (extractant-ethyl alcohol 70 %; the ratio of "raw material-extractant" - 1:200; extraction time-60 minutes; the degree of grinding of raw materials-1.0 mm). Conclusion. It was revealed that the content of phenylpropanoids in the raw materials of moringa is 3.18%. The results obtained allow us to recommend moringa leaves as a source of phenylpropanoids along with well-known medicinal plants. Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that the complex of phenylpropanoids belongs to the second group of biologically active compounds of moringa leaves.
Key words: Moringa oleifera, фенилпропаноиды, спектрофотометрия, количественное определение, хлорогеновая кислота
Voronchikhina A.P., Polonichko I.A., Kurdyukov E.E., Semenova E.F., Sheludyakova Yu.B.
UDC: 615.1:615.322
Abstract: Objective. To determine the amount of phenylpropanoids in moringa leaves by spectrophotometry. Methods. The samples were taken from Mature dried fruits of Lycium Chinese . Four samples were examined: N1 (Ningxia Berry, China), N2 (Gullin Tianhe Pharmaceutical, China), N3 (A. J. Alliance, Russia), N4 (Globaltorg, Russia). Macromorphology was studied visually using a stereoscopic magnifier. Microscopy of micropreparations was carried out using microscopes MiniMed, BIOMED-6 (multiplicity of magnification x40, X100, X400). Photographing micro-and macro-objects was carried out with digital cameras Nikon Coolpix 6300, Panasonic DMC-FX100. Descriptions of micropreparations are made according to modern methodical and reference literature. Results. As a result of the study, the macro- and micromorphological features of Chinese Dereza fruits were described. They have an oblong shape with a thin leathery exocarp, a succulent mesocarp and a hard endocarp. Epidermis cells are large, isodiametric with slightly branched walls. Endogenous excretory structures are represented by secretory channels. Bast fibers have a crystal-bearing lining. Comparative study of samples showed wide variability of their morphometric parameters: 1.8 times-in width, 1.6 times-in length and 2.6 times-by weight of fruits. This indicates the possibility of selection of valuable forms of introduction. Conclusion. The anatomical and diagnostic features of Chinese Dereza fruits include groups of bast fibers having a crystal-bearing lining with prismatic crystals; the epidermis of fairly large isodiametric polygonal cells with thickened walls; oval-shaped secretory channels with one layer of excretory cells; parenchymal rounded cells with numerous orange-yellow chromoplasts of stable sizes.
Key words: Lycium chinense, плоды, макродиагностические признаки, микродиагностические признаки
Dyakova N.A.
UDC: 615.322
Abstract: Objective. To study the dynamics of inulin content change in rhizomes and roots of Inula helenuim L. Methods. The preparation of medicinal vegetal raw materials was carried out in an environmentally friendly place in a natural thicket, away from large cities, transport highways and industrial enterprises, monthly, from May to November 2020 (in the middle of the month) in the Novousmansky district of the Voronezh region. Determination of inulin content in selected samples of rhizomes and roots of Inula helenuim L was carried out using previously developed, validated and patented express gravimetric procedure using ultrasonic extraction. Each determination was carried out three times. Results. Dynamics of change of inulin content in rhizomes and roots of Inula helenuim L during plant vegetation period from May to November are considered. Conclusion. It was revealed that the maximum accumulation of inulin in the rhizomes and roots of the Inula helenuim L occurs in October and reaches 21.15±0.51%, which is about 1.5 times more than the content of water-soluble polysaccharides in the rhizomes and roots of the plant in May (13.97±0.44%) and September (14.71±0.49%). The smallest content of inulin in the rhizomes and roots of Inula helenuim L is noted during its active flowering and the beginning of fruiting in July (5.18±0.60%), which is explained by the significant energy exchange in the plant body during this period, and as a result, the cost of spare nutrients.
Key words: водорастворимые полисахариды, инулин, корневища и корни девясила высокого
Kosareva E.A., Dekhnich S.N., Klykov A.I.
UDC: 614.2
Abstract: Objective. To study the problematic issues of quality control of medical care based on the analysis of the regulations governing the quality control of medical care. Methods. The study uses the method of content analysis of 18 regulatory acts regulating the quality control of medical care in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation for the period from 1991 to 2020. Results. The proposals made for the organization and implementation of quality control of medical care will simplify the quality control of medical care in medical organizations of the health system of the Russian Federation and improve the quality of medical care. Conclusions. regulations, health care system, medical organizations, quality control of medical care, expertise.
Key words: нормативные акты, система здравоохранения, медицинские организации, контроль качества медицинской помощи, экспертиза
Losenkova S.O., Krikova A.V., Farashuk N.F., Novikov V.E., Kozlov S.N., Fedosov E.A., Lyamets L.L.
UDC: 615.15
Abstract: Objective. To study the historic facts connected with work of the departments of SSMU during the period from 2002 to 2020, that are a part of the cyclic methodical commission (CМC) of pharmaceutical disciplines. Methods. The study is carried out with comparative-historical and problem-chronological methods. The archival materials presented by chairman of CМC of pharmaceutical disciplines Losenkova S. and also the departments which are a part of CМC of pharmaceutical disciplines were used, and the opinion of 36 students of the 5 year (85,7 % students) was assessed by classroom questioning (anonymous filling) were studied. Results. The chronology of the events connected with the work of the faculty and CМC of pharmaceutical disciplines, since 2002 by present time was studied, the contribution of employees of the departments of SSMU to faculty development was defined and also the opinion of students on educational process on chairs was studied. Conclusion. Educational process at the faculty is carried out not only under the guidance of the dean's office, the faculty Academic council, CМC, but also by CМC of pharmaceutical disciplines. All departments which are a part of CМC of pharmaceutical disciplines, pay big attention to the organization of educational process and to perfection of its methodical maintenance, using in the work interactive methods of training, thus being guided on the requirements of local statutory acts, and also the standard documentation regulating pharmaceutical activity.
Key words: ЦМК фармацевтических дисциплин, профессорско-преподавательский состав СГМУ