Vestnik of the Smolensk State Medical Academy Issue 2, Year 2023
Vestnik of the Smolensk State Medical Academy Issue 2, Year 2023
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18 July 2023
417 x
Contents of the Issue
- Thermogravimetric method of content research of water fractions – a new method for assessing the severity of acute hypoxia and its prevention by chemical compounds in an experiment
Markova E.O., Farashchuk N.F., Evseev A.V., Titov R.A. - Effect of cryotherapy on the bioelectric activity of the frontal and central region of the brain
Miklashevich O.S., Solovyov A.V., Kovalchuk A.А., Zinchuk V.V. - Influence of new alfa-cyanothioacetamide derivatives on biochemical parameters in modeling metabolic disorders
Ketova E.S., Batishcheva G.A., Bibik E.Yu., Krivokolysko S.G., Shishkina V.V., Samoilenko T.V., Antakova L.N. - Pharmacoeconomical and pharmacoepidemiological methods in evaluating the effectiveness of cephalosporins protected by beta-lactamase inhibitors
Fominykh S.G., Shukil L.V., Razumovskaya A.A., Gonnoshenko V.N., Kalchenko E.V. - Microorganisms isolated in case of suspected periprosthetic infection, their sensitivity
Pliska N.N.
- Modern pharmacological developments of promising anti-tuberculosis drugs
Usacheva N.E., Novikov V.E., Myakisheva T.V.
- Peculiarities of autonomic regulation of cardiac activity in women with coronary heart disease and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
Tsareva V.M., Osipova M.S., Evseev A.V., Tsarev S.A., Ivanishkina E.V. - Clinical case of Сrohn's disease
Chudaeva O.V., Ezhova A.S., Polenok E.A., Ageyenkova O.A. - Osteoporosis: assessment of diagnostic techniques for drug therapy administration
Alekseeva V.A., Ovsyankin A.V., Kuzminova E.S., Krikova A.V., Krutikova N.Yu., Dmitrieva E.V., Zaitseva V.M. - Relationship of cardiovascular diseases with thyroid diseases
Aliyeva D.Z., Abdulkadyrova S.O., Aselderova A.Sh., Mutalieva A.Sh. - Role of hormone-active breast milk proteins in the programming of eating behavior
Shilina N.M., Shpakovskaya K.S., Legonkova T.I., Shtykova O.N., Dubrovina Yu.A., Arshanskaya O.D., Netunaeva E.A., Pyrieva E.A. - Characteristics of the cardiorespiratory system and hemograms of children with chronic adenoiditis of different types of constitution
Sultanov I.S., Boboshko I.E., Zhdanova L.A. - Clinical case of autoimmune hepatitis in an 8-year old child
Legonkova T.I., Shtykova O.N., Sarmanova L.V., Sologubova L.V., Marchenkova Yu.V., Sharygina I.Yu., Plotnikov M.A. - Longitudinal study of the dynamics of fertility and the quality of low birth weight offspring
Voкhidov A., Abidzhanova N.N., Kabilova B.Kh., Mamadzhanova G.S., Zaripova M.Ch., Sharipova N.A. Safarholova M.M. - Combined complications of peptic ulcer diseases as a surgical problem far from being resolved
Tskaev A.Yu., Sarkisjan M.K., Kop'jov M.V. - Clinical assessment of the condition of a healed burn wound after using emollient in children
Glutkin A.V. - Long-term pain relief after genicular nerve radiofrequency ablation in knee osteoarthritis
Abakirov M.D., Abdrakhmanov R.R., Damazh A.S., Tkeshelashvili T.T., Egamov M.M., Karpovich N.I. - Role of accompanying therapy in the prevention of adverse reactions during chemotherapy in patients with ovarian cancer
Mashkova N.V., Soloviev V.I., Zuj V.S. - Gastroesophageal reflux disease and chronic cough
Shadrina N.E., Volskaya O.S., Tuchkov I.A., Chestnikh V.A., Dekhnich N.N., Punin A.A. - Study of topical aspects of treatment and diagnosis of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma based on assessments of clinical studies conducted with the participation of patients of different age categories
Volk T.G., Gromova M.A., Kraev K.I. - Features in course of covid-19 in patients with an immunosuppressive condition caused by oncohematological diseases
Volk T.G., Vdovkina Ya.K., Zhilina V.A., Timoshkina T.A. - Hereditary nephropathies: an underestimated contribution to the development of chronic renal failure
Basalai O.N., Bushma M.I., Borisenok O.A. - Heart failure as a clinically significant complication of infective endocarditis
Danilov A.I., Marekhina Yu.V., Egorova A.Yu., Fedorenko A.R. - Changes in bone density in obese children according to the results of radiation diagnostic methods
Lednev S.A., Yurova I.Yu., Ledneva V.S., Ulyanova L.V., Razuvaeva Yu.Yu. - Obesity and bronchial asthma in children
Muravyev A.A., Bekezin V.V.
- Pharmaceutical development of corrected dosage forms based on plant objects
Avakian A.A., Akhmedov F.A., Losenkova S.O., Ogai M.A., Stepanova E.F., Nam N.L., Larsky M.V., Barkaev G.S., Kaibova S.R. - Study of standard samples of vitamins a and d obtained from natural raw materials: analysis of the uniformity indicator
Sysuev E.B., Noskova V.D., Stepanova E.F., Petrov А.Yu. - Studying the peculiarities of essential oil accumulation in medicinal plants of different ecological conditions
Dyakova N.A., Korenskaya I.M., Kostyleva A.A., Slivkin A.I., Gaponov S.P. - Pharmacognostic study of herb of tanacetum vulgare l. medicinal plant raw materials and unacceptable admixture of the genus ranunculus plants raw materials
Stoyanova Ya.V., Strelyaeva A.V., Kuznetsov R.M., Strelyaev N.D., Bobrova E.I. - Comparative analysis of topical preparations compositions containing plant raw materials for psoriasis treatment
Ryabinina E.I., Zotova E.E., Nikitina T.N. - Comparative analysis of domestic and imported raw materials of stevia by the amount of phenylpropanoids
Kurdyukov E.E., Pravdivtseva O.E., Semenova E.F., Antropova N.V., Tarasov M.S.
- Use of active forms of learning in the training of pharmaceutical specialists on the application of medical devices
Garifullina G.Н., Arkhipov E.V., Garifullin М.F.
- Hystory of the ophthalmology department of Smolensk State Medical University (to the 100TH anniversary)
Mogilevtsev V.V., Belkova A.G., Gorshkova M.A.
of the international scientific and practical conference
«Topical issues of cardiology»
- Coronary atherosclerosis severity assessment in asymptomatic patients with different thyroid hormonal states
Petrova E.B., Shishko O.N., Kozich V.D., Koliadko M.G., Borisova V.Ya., Statkevich T.V., Mytchkova A.V., Mitkovskaya N.P. - Graft dysfunction as a cardiovascular risk factor in kidney transplant recipients
Kalachyk O.V., Smoliakova M.V., Mitkovskaya N.P. - Lipocalin-2 as a predictor of chronic kidney disease in patients with myocardial infarction following acute kidney injury
Brankovskaya E.Yu., Mitkovskaya N.P. - Application of innovative technologies in cardio-oncology
Kononchuk N.B, Kozlouskaya N.A., Abramovich M.S., Udovichenko E.S., Udovichenko A.A.