Shabanov P.D., Lebedev A.A., Yakushina N.D., Gramota K.E., Tissen I.Y., Bychkov E.R.
UDC: 616-092.9+612.82
Abstract: Objective. Approbation of the method of training in situation with choice of power and possibility of food reinforcement in a labyrinth (modified Iowa-test) after intranasal administration of ghrelin and [D-Lys]-GHRP-6, a ghrelin receptor antagonist (both 20 µg/20 µl) to rats. Methods. Rats were trained to find a food piece (sunflower seeds) in a Ψ-shaped maze with three reinforced alleys and start compartment for 3 weeks. In each alley of the maze, a food-containing can (feeder) appeared automatically. In alley 1, every approach to the feeder was reinforced with a seed (fixed ratio 1 regimen - FR1/1), in alley 2 - every second approach but with 2 seeds (FR2/2 regimen), in alley 3 - every third approach but with 3 seeds (FR3/3 regimen). In total, 27 rats out of 44 animals were trained. Performance of more than 15 right responses (approaches) for a 15 min period of the session was a criterion of learning. The duration of training was 3 weeks. After reaching the criterion of learning and stabilizing the reflex within 4 successive days, the rats got a single intranasal administration of 20 µl of 0.9% NaCl solution (1 group, control), ghrelin (20 µg/20 µl per rat, 2 group) or [D-Lys]-GHRP-6, a ghrelin receptor antagonist (20 µg/20 µl per rat, 3 group). Results. Both pharmacological agents studied (ghrelin and [D-Lys]-GHRP-6) performed different activity. Ghrelin increased the number of comings into the third alley (FR3/3) by 17% (p<0.05), and [D-Lys]-GHRP-6 increased the number of comings into the first alley (FR1/1) by 13% (p<0.05). Therefore, ghrelin increases the number of approaches to the feeder with low possibility but more power of reinforcement (triple reinforcement) whereas [D-Lys]-GHRP-6 increases the number of approaches to the feeder with a high (100%) possibility but less power of reinforcement (single reinforcement). Conclusion. In conditioned food behavior, both the probable characteristics determined as the main and dominated, and motivational ones (power of reinforcement) are significant. In our case, the possibility of 33% (1/3) with triple account of reinforcing agent (reward) after administration of ghrelin was elevated that can be considered an element of gaming addiction or risk in general.
Key words: грелин, [D-Lys]-GHRP-6, вероятностное подкрепление, 4-лучевой лабиринт, модель пищевой зависимости, крысы, ghrelin, [D-Lys]-GHRP-6, possible reinforcement, Ψ-shaped maze, model of food dependence, rats
Evseev Andrey V., Surmenev Dmitry V., Evseeva Marina A., Belenky Albert E., Tikhonov Viktor G.
UDC: 616-001.8:615.355
Abstract: Objective. To confirm the antihypoxic action of the metal-complex (Zn) compound πQ2721 in experiments on rats on the model of acute hypoxia with hypercapnia (AH+Hc). The substances for comparison were 2 antihypoxants of the aminothiol origin - Amtizole and Sunazole and metal-complex compound πQ1983 with confirmed antihypoxic effect. Methods. Experiments were performed on 182 male rats of Wistar line weighing 150-170 g. The study of antihypoxic activity of substances was carried out on the model the AH+Hc. The condition of acute hypoxia in rats was roduced by placing them in glass airtight containers with a free volume of 1.0 L. the antihypoxic effect was evaluated by the life expectancy of animals in the described conditions. Substances πQ2721, πQ1983, Amtizole and Sunazole were administered once intraperitoneally at doses of 25, 50 and 100 mg/kg. Previously each substance was dissolved in 0.9% NaCl (1.0 ml). Testing the effectiveness of the substances on AH+Hc model was carried out 1 h following the administration of the substances and in 24 h. The control groups animals were injected with 1.0 ml of 0.9% NaCl. In animals exposed to test AH+Hc 1 h following the administration, measurements of the rectal temperature before the experiment and 1 h following the administration, i.e. before AH+Hc were performed. In the animals selected for 24-hour observation, rectal temperature was measured before the experiment, and then after 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 h of observation, after which they were exposed to AH+Hc. Results. The antihypoxic effect of a selenium-containing substance πQ2721 based on Zn was confirmed in experiments on rats. In a number of substances of comparison the πQ2721 proved its increased effectiveness. It was found that 1 h following the administration at a dose of 50 mg/kg πQ2721 has an more pronounced activity in comparison to all the studied compounds, including antihypoxant with succinate Sunazole. An important advantage of the new promising antihypoxic agent was the preservation of its action for 24 hours after injection. Conclusion. In the experiment on rats, the antihypoxic effect of πQ2721 was fully confirmed. In a number of substances of comparison substance πQ2721 proved its higher effectiveness. It was found that 1 h following the administration at a dose of 50 mg/kg πQ2721 has an more pronounced activity in comparison to all the studied compounds, including antihypoxant with succinate Sunazole. An important advantage of the new promising antihypoxic agent was the preservation of its action for 24 hours after injection.
Key words: acute hypoxia, metal-complex compounds antihypoxants, rats, острая гипоксия, металлокомплексные соединения, антигипоксанты, крысы
Lelevich V.V., Vinitskaya A.G., Lelevich S.V.
UDC: 613.81/.84(486)
Abstract: Objective. To investigate local differences in the prevalence of drug abuse in the Republic of Belarus using the official data of the Narcological Service of the Ministry of Health. Methods. Statistical analysis of the database on the psychoactive substances’ abusers, listed in the Narcological Register of the Ministry of Health in the years 1995-2014. Results. Over the 20-year period, the number of registered drug users per 100,000 population increased almost 8-fold from 23.1 in 1995 to 179 by the beginning of 2015. The regions of Belarus differed in the number of registered drug abusers with the highest number of reported cases (per 100,000 population) in the city of Minsk and the Gomel region, and the lowest number in the Mogilev region. Among Belarusian cities, the city of Soligorsk in the Minsk region stands out by the most serious situation. The territory of Belarus is also characterized by heterogeneity in distribution of the recorded abusers of certain types of psychoactive substances. Abuse of amphetamines and "designer" drugs is more common in the city of Minsk and the Minsk region, while cannabinoides are more spread in the Gomel region. Significant spread of opiate addiction was noted in all Belarusian regions. Conclusion. It was concluded that it is necessary to take into account the local differences in the spread of drug abuse when developing effective preventive measures to counteract them.
Key words: наркопотребление, региональность, наркологический учет, психоактивные вещества, drug abuse, local differences, Narcological Register, psychoactive substances
Perederii Ie.A., Yunusova I.A.
UDC: 615.276:582.949.27
Abstract: Objective. The aim of this research was to study the anti-inflammatory properties of model mixtures of thick Salvia officinalis extract. Methods. The anti-inflammatory effect was studied by means of experimental model of formalin-induced oedema. The study was carried out on 80 white outbred female rats weighing 260±10 grams. The objects of research were model mixtures containing a thick Salvia officinalis extract, citric and benzoic acids (Specimen 1), as well as thick Salvia officinalis extract and lactulose (specimen 2). The test specimens were administered to different rat groups at doses of 5 mg/kg, 10 mg/kg, 25 mg/kg, where “Diclofenac” (Sintez CKSMPA, Russia) at a dose of 6.8 mg/kg was a reference drug. The development of oedema was registered by the increase in the volume of the paw, which was measured before the administration of the drugs and in dynamics of 2, 4, 6, 24 hours after the administration of the phlogogen with the help of a mechanical oncometer according to A.S. Zakharevsky. Results. Conclusions on the anti-inflammatory activity of the test specimens were drawn with the ability to reduce swelling of the experimental animals’ paws in comparison with the control animals in percentage terms. The most pronounced anti-exudative effect of the specimens was observed after the expiration of 6-24 hours. In this period, all specimens with their anti-inflammatory activity exceeded the activity of the reference drug “Diclofenac” by 1.4 times. Particular attention was drawn to specimen 1 at doses of 25 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg. Thus, Specimen 1 at a dose of 25 mg/kg exhibited a persistent high anti-inflammatory effect that exceeded the effects of the other specimens throughout the research. Specimen 1 at a dose of 10 mg/kg after 24 hours after the administration of the phlogogen returned the rat’s paw to its initial size, meanwhile the anti-inflammatory effect was equal to 100%. Conclusions. The conducted researches indicated that the investigated specimens show the expressed anti-exudative action and influence the course of the inflammatory process.
Key words: антиэксудативное действие, препарат на основе густого экстракта шалфея лекарственного, суппозитории вагинальные, инфекционно - воспалительные гинекологические заболевания, anti-exudative action, drug on the basis of thick Salvia officinalis, vaginal suppositories, infectious and inflammatory gynaecological diseases
Sikorski A.V., Savanovich I.I., Pereverzev V.A.
UDC: 616.33-002-053.2:612.172.2:612.822
Abstract: Objective. To investigate the role of the vegetative nervous system (VNS) and endothelial vasoregulators in the development of chronic gastroduodenal pathology (CGDP) in children and adolescents, including the cases of CGDP combined with symptomatic arterial hypotension (SAH). Methods. The study was based on the results of the examination and treatment of 226 school-age children with CGDP (chronic gastroduodenitis - 197 patients (87.2%), duodenal ulcer - 12 (5.3%), erosive gastritis - 17 (7.5%): 115 patients (Group 1) had SAH alongside the main disease (CGDP + SAH); 111 patients (Group 2) had only CGDP (conventional control). The comparison group comprised 88 healthy children (Group 3) matched with patients of the 1st and 2nd groups in age and sex. The diagnosis of the disease was made on the basis of complaints, case histories, data of esophagogastroduodeno-fibroscopy, pathomorphology and ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity organs. The regulation of the heart rate was studied by the method of computer cardiointervalography (CIG) at rest and during clinoortostatic test (COT) using the following markers: mode (Mo), amplitude of mode (AMo), variation range (ΔХ), vegetative index rate (VIR), tension index (TI) and index of vegetative balance (IVB). Immunoenzyme method using the DRG International, Inc kits (USA) was applied to investigate the levels of endothelins 1 and 2 (ET-1 and ET-2), nitric oxide (NO), prostaglandin F (PG F) and bradykinin (BK) in blood plasma of 20 patients with CGDP + SAH, 20 children of the control group and 22 healthy children. Results. The most pronounced changes in the heart rate variability were found in patients with CGDP + SAH compared both with healthy children and control patients. The dynamic response of the heart rate mode amplitude to active clinoortostasis in patients with CGDP does not differ from that of healthy subjects in the character of regulation leading to an increase in AMO from the 1st to the 2nd, from the 2nd to the 3d, from the 5th to the 6th COT positions and decrease in AMO from the 3d to the 4th, from the 4th to the 5th COT positions but differs in other cardiointervalography readings. Minimum AMo variations during clinoorthostatic test are observed in healthy children (1.3% -1.7% p<0.001, p<0.01), maximum ones are noted in children with CGDP+SAH (7.6% -8.4% p<0.001; p<0.001). Patients with an isolated form of CGDP have an intermediate position in AMo variations (3.4% -3.6% p <0.001, p<0.001). Each group of children is characterized by their own time of AMo restoration to the initial level. In healthy children, it is minimal and is restored during the 1st minute, which is the evidence of the active regulatory function of the sympathetic VNS division. Restoration of AMo to the baseline after orthostasis in children with CGDP without SAH occurs during the 5th minute of a repeated horizontal position, whereas in patients with CGDP + SAH the AMo value is not restored by the end of COT (17.7%(15.2%, p<0.001). Dynamic response of cardiointervalography variation range index in children with CGDP during clinoorthostatic test depends on the presence or absence of SAH. CGDP patients without SAH have, likewise healthy children, a similar character but different values and direction of ΔX variations changing from the 1st to the 2nd (↓by 0.17 s (p<0.001) in Group 2; ↓by 0.1 s (p<0.01) in Group 3) and from the 4th to the 5th COT positions (↑by 0.21 s (p<0.001) and ↑by 0.1 s (p<0.05) in Groups 2 and 3 respectively). The parasympathetic VNS division in this category of patients closely interacts with the sympathetic one and provides a proper level of organ and tissue blood supply (AMo increase while changing from the 1st to the 2nd position by1.6%(p<0.01) and 2.2% (p<0.001) is accompanied by the shortage of ΔX by 0.17 s (p<0.001) and 0.1 s (p<0.01); AMo decrease while changing from the 4th to the 5th COT position - by 3.7% (p<0.001) and 3.3% (p<0.001) is accompanied by ΔX increase by 0.21 s (p<0.001) and 0.1 (p<0.05) respectively in children of Groups 2 and 3). Persistently high and unchangeable ΔX values in children with CGDP + SAH (Group 1) while changing from the 1st to the 2nd (p<0.1), from the 2nd to the 3d (p<0.1) and from the 3d to the 4th (p<0.1) positions of active COT demonstrate the rigidity and inconsistency of the parasympathetic and sympathetic VNS divisions in the regulation of the heart rate in this category of patients. High activity of the parasympathetic VNS division stimulates excessive synthesis of nitric oxide in children of the control group [6.6 µmol/l (4.1-10.5) (p<0.01)] contributing to SAH development and results in rapid NO accumulation [(24.0 µmol/l (8.3-42.5) (p<0.001; p<0.001)] in the blood plasma of children with CGDP + SAH aggravating metabolic and hemodynamic disorders and clinical manifestations of the main disease in this category of patients. Conclusion. Vegetative homeostasis in children with CGDP is characterized by high activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic VNS divisions in all COT positions. Maximum AMo variations during COT in children with CGDP + SAH (7.6% -8.4% p <0.001, p <0.001) indicate the instability of heart rate regulation by the sympathetic VNS division in this category of patients and the absence of restoration of AMo values by the end of COT (17.7% -15.2% p <0.001) indicates latent insufficiency of the sympathetic VNS division in the regulation of the heart rhythm. High activity of the parasympathetic VNS division stimulates excessive synthesis of nitric oxide in control children and leads to a sharp N0 accumulation in the blood plasma of children with CGDP + SAH preventing increase in synthesis and accumulation of vasoconstrictors (ET-1, ET-2, PG F). Thus, in children with CGDP (and especially CGDP + SAH) a new (nonclassical) variant of endothelial dysfunction is formed, in which the development of vasodilatation factors (NO) outweighs the synthesis of vasoconstriction factors (ET-1, ET-2, PG F).
Key words: дети, симптоматическая артериальная гипотензия (САГ), хроническая гастродуаденальная патология (ХГДП), кардиоинтервалография (КИГ), вегетативная нервная система (ВНС), children, symptomatic arterial hypotension (SAH), chronic gastroduodenal pathology (CGDP), cardiointervalography (CIG), vegetative nervoussystem (VNS)
Goryacheva A.A., Shliager E.V.
UDC: 616.12-008.331.1-055.1
Abstract: Objective. To study the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in veterans of local armed conflicts on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of clinical indicators, laboratory and instrumental methods of research. To assess the significance of adverse factors in the development of cardiovascular disease. Methods. A comprehensive clinical and epidemiological examination of men who were hospitalized at the Smolensk regional clinical hospital of war veterans for the period 2009-2017 was conducted. The object of the study was male patients who participated in the fighting in Afghanistan and the Chechen Republic (the main group) and men who did not take part in military conflicts and did not endure the stress of extreme situations (the control group). The study included standard clinical, laboratory and instrumental methods of research with the assessment of blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycemia, body mass index, as well as the presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol consumption), the definition of reactive and personal anxiety (Spielberger questionnaire) and the definition of depression (Beck questionnaire). On the basis of the data obtained, the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors among the studied categories of patients was established and their contribution to the occurrence of cardiovascular complications was assessed. Results. Studies revealed a more pronounced prevalence of the studied risk factors for cardiovascular disease among the combatants living in the Smolensk region. The tendency to increase the number of cases of coronary heart disease in patients with the presence of adverse factors, especially in their combination, was revealed. Conclusion. It was concluded that the presence of aggravating effects of combat stress influence the formation and spread of risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Their influence on the development of more serious complications was studied.
Key words: артериальная гипертензия, вооруженные конфликты, распространенность, факторы риска, arterial hypertension, armed conflicts, prevalence, risk factors
Krikova A.V., Konyshko N.A., Bespalova L.I., Zaitseva V.M., Ivanushkina E.V., Evseev A.V., Osipova N.N., Didenko V.N., Mikheeva A.V., Korotchenko A.A., Dmitrieva E.V., Shkitin V.A.
UDC: 616.9
Abstract: Objective. The study is devoted to the problem of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in general. Legal aspects of HIV infection as well HIV epidemiological situation are disclosed in the study. Methods. The content analysis of the legal regulatory basis aimed at prevention and spread of the diseases caused by the human immunodeficiency virus in the Russian Federation was carried out. Some significant indicators and data on the epidemiological situation in the Smolensk region concerning HIV infection were studied in a comparative context. Methods of descriptive statistics were beneficially used in the study. Results. To prevent the spread of HIV infection diagnostic and curative activities are of great importance. It is essential to have a set of legal documents regulating activities aimed at prevention and treatment of the infection, as well as a complex of sanitary and hygienic measures. However, despite the activities performed the epidemiological situation remains poor. Conclusion. In the Russian Federation Health Service Authorities consider that prevention of epidemic development of the disease is a priority activity in public health. National Public Health Strategy 2020 and prospective public health targets involve primary and essential activities to control epidemic development of the infection.
Key words: нормативно-правовая база, ВИЧ-инфекция, эпидемиология, legal and regulatory framework, HIV infection, epidemiology
Konyshko N.A., Ivanushkina E.V., Evseev A.V., Didenko V.N., Krikova A.V., Zaitseva V.M., Dmitrieva E.V.
UDC: 616-01/09
Abstract: Objective. To study at the present stage the regulatory and medical care legal regulation and the viral hepatitis B and C epidemiological situation in the Russian Federation. Methods. A regulatory framework content analysis aimed at preventing viral hepatitis B and C spread in the Russian Federation was carried out. Hepatitis B and C epidemiological situation indicators in the Russian Federation were determined. Statistical data processing included descriptive statistics methods. Results. To prevent the spread of hepatitis B and C infections in our country, a set of legal documents regulating prevention, treatment, spread of the disease, as well as a sanitary measures set were developed, but the epidemiological situation remains tense. Conclusion. Preventing the epidemic development associated with viral hepatitis B and C spread in the world is a priority for the World Health Organization, in this connection, a global strategy for the health sector on viral hepatitis for 2016-2021 has been developed.
Key words: нормативно-правовая база, гепатит В и С, эпидемиология, legal framework, hepatitis B and C, epidemiology
Aliev S.P., Kadamov D.S., Tursunov R.A., Kayumova M.U.
UDC: 616.936-036.11
Abstract: Abstract Objective. To assess the epidemiological situation and the risk of restoration of local malaria transmission in the regions of the Republic of Tajikistan bordering Afghanistan. Methods. A retrospective analysis of the epidemiological situation and the study of factors contributing to the restoration of local transmission of malaria were conducted in districts of the Republic of Tajikistan bordering Afghanistan. Results. The local transmission of malaria was first interrupted in 2015, and now, after three years of no local malaria transmission, the country has eliminated malaria and is in the process of preventing the restoration of malaria transmission. In 2015, for the first time in Tajikistan, no local case was registered. The overall incidence of malaria was reduced from 55 cases per 100 000 population in 2004 to 0.03 cases per 100 000 population in 2017, with no local cases. It should be noted that since 2015 only imported cases have been identified (in 2015 - 5, of them 1 case from local last year's infection, the rest are imported); in 2016 - 1; in 2017 - 3 (1 case of tropical malaria and 2 three-day malaria). The restoration of malaria transmission can be facilitated by the availability of single imported cases of chloroquine-resistant tropical malaria, intensive migration of the population from the Afghanistan to Tajikistan, as well as the possible flight of infected mosquitoes from the Afghanistan through the Pyanj River. Conclusions. Achieving malaria well-being in the regions bordering on Afghanistan is not a complete guarantee of a permanent non-return of the disease, and the slightest weakening of political commitment can lead to a return of the infection to its free territories. Therefore, the identification of risks, its components and their interrelations have high priority for the healthcare system of the Republic of Tajikistan. Assessment and differentiation of risks underlie the strategy and tactics of implementing appropriate measures to prevent the restoration of malaria in the country.
Key words: малярия, местная передача, элиминация малярии, тропическая малярия, malaria, local transmission of malaria, elimination of malaria, chloroquine-resistant tropical malaria
Kalybekov T.A., Aliyev M.Zh.
UDC: 616.36-002.951.21-089:615.28
Abstract: Objective. To determine the effectiveness of preventing inflammatory complications after echinococcectomy. Methods. There were 2 groups under observation: group 1 - 122 people, in which the prevention included antibiotics intramuscularly and group 2 consisting of 68 patients, whose prevention included wound treatment with ozonized solutions, infrared laser irradiation of the operating wound (5-6 sessions) and perioperative administration of antibiotics. Results. In the 1-st group, inflammatory complications were detected in 19 (15.6%), and in the 2-nd group in 4 (5.9%) cases. The advantages of including infrared laser radiation in the complex of measures for the prevention are presented. Conclusions. The traditional administration of certain antibiotics after liver echinococcemy is ineffective in the prevention of inflammatory complications, and treatment of the wound with ozonated solutions, perioperative intravenous administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics (cefazolin or ceftriaxone) combined with infrared laser irradiation of the operating wound can reduce the incidence of complications threefold. Echomorometry of the wound is a valuable indicator of the course of the wound process and can be used in abdominal surgery.
Key words: эхинококкоз печень, оперативное лечение, инфракрасное лазерное облучение, эхинококкэктомия, liver echinococcosis, operative treatment, infrared laser irradiation, echinococcectomy
Voronik Ju.N., Macjuk Ja.R.
UDC: 616.36-008.811.6:618.3-06]-02-08-036(048)
Abstract: Objective. Analysis of possible etiopathogenesis of cholestasis in pregnant women, as well as a modern approach to the treatment of this pathology and prognosis for the pregnant and offspring. Methods. Collection, systematization and analysis of modern scientific literature on the relevant issue. Results. The etiology of cholestasis of pregnant women remains largely unclear: hormonal, genetic and other theories of its etiopathogenesis have been proposed. According to scientific sources, cholestasis of pregnant women can negatively affect the course of pregnancy, childbirth, the postpartum period and cause violations of the fetus and the newborn: in 1-2% antenatal and 15% perinatal deaths of the child, in 20-60% premature birth, in 29% of cases there is a syndrome of intrauterine retardation of fetal development. A number of experiments showed that this pathology causes a delay in the development of internal organs in the offspring. Conclusion. Crucial in the occurrence of cholestasis in pregnant women is timely treatment of this pathology, since adequate therapy significantly reduces the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth, adverse effects on the fetus and the newborn.
Key words: холестаз беременных, потомство, урсодезоксихолевая кислота, cholestasis of pregnancy, offspring, ursodeoxycholic acid
Danilov A.I., Petrochenkova N.A., Kovaleva L.A., Osipenkova T.A., Drobot N.V., Evseev A.V.
UDC: 616.983
Abstract: Objective. To provide information on the significance of chlamydia in the occurrence of acute and chronic pathology in people. Methods. Analysis of modern sources of information is given. General characteristics of chlamydia, clinical picture, diagnosis and antimicrobial therapy of chlamydial infection are highlighted. Conclusions about the significance of chlamydia in the development of complications of different localization are presented. Results. Chlamydia is a group of small pathogenic gram-negative fixed bacteria that are pathogens of various diseases of humans and animals. Chlamydia are obligate intracellular bacteria that have two forms of life (elementary and reticular bodies). Elementary corpuscles are infectious, and reticular-vegetative form of chlamydia. The most dangerous species are Chlamydia psittaci and Chlamydia pecorum, which enter the human body via contact with sick animals and birds, as well as Chlamydia trachomatis and Chlamydophila pneumonia - infection which occurs from a sick person. The life cycle of chlamydia begins with the fact that the elementary bodies are phagocytized by the cell of the macroorganism, and then within a few hours are reorganized, increased in size and converted into reticular forms, which multiply by transverse division. Conclusions. Chlamydia infection is a group of infections caused by various types of chlamydia, during which the respiratory, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, urogenital systems, as well as organs of vision can be affected. The infection of new cells and repeated cycles of development of Hamidi stimulate the body's immune response, the Saami increasing the degree of pathological damage. In most cases, chlamydial infection is subacute and has a favorable prognosis. However, in the presence of risk factors, the infection can acquire a life-threatening course and be characterized by the development of complications of different localization. Laboratory diagnosis of chlamydial infection is based on the direct detection of the pathogen or its antigens, serology data with detection of antichlamydial antibodies. For the correct diagnosis of CHI and control of cure, a combination of different methods of laboratory diagnosis is required. Treatment of chlamydia infection is a complex medical problem and it should be solved taking into account the individual features of each patient. The most important in the treatment of chlamydia infection is the appointment of antimicrobial drugs, among which the most active are macrolides, tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones of III and IV generation. In recent decades, the potential importance of chronic chlamydial infection in the development and progression of such common diseases as bronchial asthma, atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis and other long-considered "non-infectious" diseases has been actively studied.
Key words: хламидийная инфекция, клиническая картина, лабораторная диагностика, антимикробные препараты, chlamydia infection, clinical picture, laboratory diagnostics, antimicrobial preparations
Vorozhtsova E.S., Guryanova M.N., Tarasevich V.N., Novikova N.V.
UDC: 615.15
Abstract: Objective. To study Russian and foreign publications on the research of conflicts in medical and pharmaceutical practice. Methods. Elements of the method of content analysis were used for the review of literature sources. The following key concepts for the search were defined: conflict in pharmacy, conflict in the pharmaceutical organization (pharmacy), pharmaceutical conflict, conflict of interest, conflict with the patient. The information base for conducting the research was formed on the basis of the data base of scientific publications elibrary and PubMed, the word "conflict" (conflict in pharmacy) was chosen as the key unit. Results. The conducted research showed great interest in the conflict management issue in various fields of activity, however, conflicts in pharmaceutical practice are not sufficiently considered. Most publications of Russian authors about conflicts in pharmaceutical practice disclose the causes of conflicts between pharmacists and patients in the pharmacies. In turn, the publications of foreign authors are focused on the consideration of dominant styles of behavior in the conflict among pharmaceutical specialists of different levels. Conclusion. Different approaches to the study of conflicts in pharmaceutical practice in Russian and foreign literature are revealed. A non-systematic approach to the study of conflicts in pharmaceutical activities was noted.
Key words: конфликт, фармацевтическая деятельность, стиль поведения в конфликте, причины конфликтов, conflict, pharmaceutical practice, style of behavior in conflict, causes of conflicts
Milekhin S.M., Derbenev D.P., Orlov D.A.
UDC: 614.258
Abstract: Objective. The aim of the study was to assess basic professional competence of young doctors and the desire for its development. Methods. The object of the study were 600 young doctors of the Tver region under the age of 35 years with experience in the specialty of 1 year. We carried out a comprehensive assessment of the level of qualification by assessing the impact of 141 factors on the presence of basic competence and the desire for its development by comparing the distribution of their grades in the main and control groups. The core group was selected from young doctors who had the basic competence and commitment to its development, the control group was composed of doctors who lacked the basic competence and commitment to its development. In order to neutralize the influence on the presence of basic competence and the desire for its development of age and sex, the main and control group were correlated on these grounds on the basis of copy-pair. The significance of differences between the distributions was assessed by calculating and verifying χ2 . The presence of reliable χ2(p<0,05) allowed us to consider the influence of the corresponding factor statistically significant. The Chuprov coefficient of mutual conjugacy (K) was used to estimate the force of influence of factors. Results. The presence of basic competence and the desire to develop it is the result of the influence of 9 representative factors. The factors of value and motivational nature, occupying 6 rank positions out of 9, have a relatively greater impact on the formation of basic competence and the desire for its development. It should also be emphasized that 1 and 3 places in the top three of the rating scale are occupied by two substantially consistent value determinants. Conclusion. It is concluded that the factors of value and motivational nature have a relatively greater impact on the formation of basic competence and the desire for its development.
Key words: молодые врачи, базовая профессиональная компетентность, развитие базовой профессиональной компетентности, young doctors, basic professional competence, development of basic professional competence
Vinogradova A.V., Kolesnikova L.R., Vinokurova T.S.
UDC: 616-01/61.954
Abstract: Objective. To develop methods for reducing the level of fear and anxiety at the dental reception with the help of preliminary psychological preparation of children of early and younger preschool age. Methods. Before the beginning of dental treatment in children from 2 to 6 years old, a study and assessment of the emotional response to the primary admission of a dentist was carried out. Questioning of parents was conducted to reveal their emotional attitude to dental care and the availability of preliminary psychological preparation of the child before visiting the dentist. Results. The features of the emotional state of children from 2 to 6 years before and during the visit to a dentist are studied. As a result of the conducted research and analysis of the data obtained, it can be seen that most of the children showed negative behavior. Given the time spent by a doctor on persuading a child, most children need 5 to 10 or more minutes to prepare and be emotionally prepared before starting treatment at the doctor's appointment. This, in turn, reduces the time spent directly on dental treatment. Conclusion. With a comparative analysis of the level of preliminary psychological preparation of the child and their psycho-emotional reaction to the admission of a dentist, their interrelation is observed. The lower the level of the child's preparation, the more pronounced their negative reaction in the treatment of teeth. It should be noted that the number of children with a high level of training is significantly less than tht of children with a low level. This indicates that parents are not sufficiently informed and competent in this matter.
Key words: children, parents, dental treatment, psychological preparation
Prygunov K.A., Abolmasov N.N., Evstigneev A.R.
UDC: 616.31
Abstract: Objective. To assess the contribution of bispectral photodynamic therapy to the post-operative reparative processes in the area of extracted 3rd molars. Methods. An objective examination of the patients and a cytological study of wound smears, were carried out to study the rate of reparative processes in the area of extracted 3rd molars as well as the influence of bispectral photodynamic therapy on them. The study involved 10 patients aged 18-29 with symmetrically extracted 3rd molars who underwent subsequent exposure of low-intensity bispectral laser radiation to one of the teeth sockets. Conclusion. The results of the study prove the advisability of bispectral photodynamic therapy in the area of extracted 3rd molars sockets that reduces pain syndrome severity and accelerates reparative processes.
Key words: Третьи моляры, биспектральная фотодинамическая терапия, удаление третьих моляров, затрудненное прорезывание, цитологическое исследование, third molars, bispectral photodynamic therapy, third molars extraction, difficult tooth eruption, cytological study
Solovyev A.A., Abolmasov N.N., Massarsky I.G., Kovaleva I.A., Kazaryan K.S., Vandic I.S.
UDC: 616.31:378.180.6
Abstract: Objective. The study the character of occlusal-articulatory relationships of dental students with different types of a bite. Methods. The study involved 100 students of 3-5 years of the Dentistry Faculty at the age of 18-24 years. The methods of dental examination were used with the inclusion of the results in the diagnostic card. Dental photo were made and trajectories of the lower jaw movement were estimated with the use of video recording. All the examined students were performed occluder with the help of blue carbon paper BAUSCH 100 mkm and red - 40 mkm. Artex articulator (Girrbach Amann) Dentograf Prosystomto was used for the study of the control-diagnostic models to transfer the spatial location model of the upper jaw. Results. As a result of the study, we determined the frequency of various types of bite. The types of articulatory disorders and their causes were studied, for this purpose, the occlusal surfaces of the teeth and the trajectories of displacement of dentitions were examined for revealing supracontacts. Conclusion. The study showed the urgency and necessity of identifying predisposing factors and early clinical manifestations of occlusal-articulatory disorders in young patients. The most significant factors, leading to the development of function overload of periodontal and disfunction of a temporomandibular joint were identified.
Key words: окклюзия, супраконтакт, артикуляция, окклюзионно-артикуляционные нарушения, occlusion, supracontact, articulation, occlusal-articulatory disorders
Kiparisova D.G., Nurieva N.S., Kiparisov Y.S.
UDC: 616.314-089.23-77-06:616.311-083
Abstract: Objective. To optimize individual hygiene of the oral cavity in patients with removable prosthetics on mini dental implants by applying the developed protocol of individual hygienic care of the oral cavity. Methods. 70 patients with removable prosthetics on mini dental implants were examined, distributed to the main group of 35 people and a comparison group of 35 people, who later differed from each other by the tools and means of individual hygienic care. The work with patients was carried out in three stages, including questionnaires, oral cavity examination, determination of hygienic and periodontal indices, carrying out a complex of professional hygiene, training in individual hygienic care of the oral cavity, as well as the control determination of indices after 6 and 12 months of observation. The results were processed in accordance with the principles of medical statistics. Results. The condition of the gums, as well as the level of oral hygiene and supraconstructions after 6 and 12 months of observation in patients using the developed protocol of individual oral hygiene, significantly improved. Conclusion. The efficiency of the developed protocol of individual oral hygiene in patients with removable prosthetics on mini dental implants is proved.
Key words: mini dental implants, care for mini dental implants, hygiene of mini dental implants
Koshelev K.A., Belousov N.N., Ivanova S.B.
UDC: 616.314-089.28/.29-06-07
Abstract: Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine the reasons that affect the quality of dental care associated with its wrong planning and conduct. Methods. The data of 414 patients within 4 years after dental treatment were analyzed according to various criteria. For the study, a special map was developed, which recorded the answers to the most important questions in this case. The work of dentists of different specialties was evaluated in several directions. The errors of therapeutic and orthopedic dental profile were analyzed. Results. The iatrogenic reasons influencing the long-term prognosis of dental treatment are established. Three main statistically significant causes of failures after therapeutic treatment were determined, which forced patients to re-apply to the dentist at different times. The average time of detection of certain errors in the treatment due to the fatal necessity of repeated dental treatment was revealed. The main errors of orthopedic treatment, requiring repeated prosthetics, among which were errors in the planning of complex treatment, poor quality of treatment at any stage. An analysis of clinical examination of the main group of patientswas performed. Conclusion. In conclusion, prospects for further development of the topic and proposals for possible solutions to the identified problem are given.
Key words: оценка качества стоматологического лечения, ятрогенные причины, ошибки стоматологического лечения, assessment of quality of stomatological treatment, iatrogenic reasons, errors of dental treatment
Romanov A.S., Geletin P.N., Morozov V.G.
UDC: 616.724-005.4
Abstract: Objective. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the combined use of stabilometric and electromyographic examination to diagnose functional disorders of patients with increased dental attrition. Methods. We examined 45 people with increased dental attrition, 40 patients who didn’t have any sign of functional disorders were the control group. The age of the individuals ranged from 35 to 54 years. Determination of the balance function and functional state of the masticatory muscles was carried out with the simultaneous utilization of stabilometric and electromyographic examination, using the system for diagnosis and rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system and the balance function "MBN-Stabilometer" (MBN, Moscow), as well as the electromyographic analyzer "Sinapsis" (Neurotech). The examination was conducted in a room with minimal noise considerations. The noise level did not exceed 40 dB. Testing which evaluated the effect of the proprioceptors of the dentoalveolar system on maintaining balance was conducted with the eyes closed on a soft mat rug. Results. Analyzing and comparing of the data of the stabilometric and electromyographic study of patients of the main group and the control group showed statistically significant differences in the obtained parameters. Conclusion. Combined utilization of electromyography and computer stabilometry should reveal the connection between functional disorders of dentoalveolar and postural systems, as well as determine the most rational tactics of complex treatment of patients with increased dental attrition.
Key words: повышенное стирание зубов, электромиографическое исследование, компьютерная стабилометрия, increased dental attrition, electromyographic examination, computer stabilometry
Sotnikova M.V., Kuzmina E.V., Andrjushenkova N.A., Korotchenkova N.S.
UDC: 617.52-001.5+615.83
Abstract: Objective. To improving the results of treatment of patients with facial bones fractures due to the use of transcutaneous electrostimulation and magnetotherapy with AMO-ATOM-E apparatus. Methods. The study involved 22 persons, including 16 patients with facial bone fractures and 6 healthy persons. The degree of pain syndrome, the level of pain and discriminatory (tactile) sensitivity were evaluated. According to the method of physiotherapy, the patients were divided into 2 groups. In the main group (11 people), transcutaneous electrostimulation and magnetotherapy was carried out with the AMO-ATOM-E apparatus, 10 procedures daily. In the control group (5 people) for physiotherapy during 10 procedures electric field UHF (ultra-high frequency) was applied according to the traditional method. Results. Pain syndrome in patients was 6 points on the visual analog scale (VAS). Pain sensitivity in patients was reduced to 17,8±1,4 g., discriminatory - to 9,4±0,8 mm. After treatment in the main group the value of VAS was 1 point, in the control group - 3 points. Pain sensitivity in the main group - 8±0.7 g, in the control group - 10.6 ±0.9 g. Discriminatory sensitivity in the main group was 6.0±0.6 mm, in the control group-9.1±0.9 mm. Conclusion. Therefore, all patients with zygomaticomaxillary and mandibular fractures have damages of the branches of the trigeminal nerve. The simultaneous use of electrostimulation and magnetotherapy with the AMO-ATOS-E apparatus in the complex treatment allows to quickly and effectively relieve pain, restore pain and tactile sensitivity.
Key words: чрескожная электростимуляция, магнитотерапия, перелом нижней челюсти, скуло-верхнечелюстной перелом, болевая чувствительность, дискриминационная чувствительность, болевой синдром, transcutaneous electrostimulation, magnetotherapy, zygomaticomaxillary and mandibular fractures, pain sensitivity, sense of discriminatory touch, pain syndrome
Terekhova T.N., Butvilovsky A.V.
UDC: 616.314-002-74
Abstract: Objective. Scientific confirmation of the use of modified glass ionomer cement "ClinpPro XT Varnish" for arrest of deciduous teeth caries. Methods. The study was carried out using deciduous upper incisors (extracted due to the physiological exfoliation) with cavity carious lesions at the level of the mantle dentin. After the brushing of teeth in Group 1 (comparison group), a varnish containing 5% sodium fluoride (2,26% fluorine) was applied, in group 2 (test group) - the application of modified glass ionomer cement "Clinpro XT Varnish" ("3M") was performed. Further, the teeth were sawn for sampling and analyzed for elemental content on an X-ray energy dispersive spectrometer "INCA 350" ("Oxford Instruments") with an excitation region of X-ray radiation of 0,5 μm and an accelerating voltage at a survey of 20 kV (117 measurement points). Results.The fluorine content in the dentin of the bottom of the carious cavity in the experimental group was 1,80% (0,80-3,10%). There was a significant correlation of the average force between the fluorine content and the distance from the bottom of the carious cavity (r = -0,52 ± 0,16, p<0,05). The maximum fluorine content (2,90% (1,75-3,78%) and the minimum value of calcium/phosphorus ratio (1,61 (1,54-1,71)) were characteristic for the dentin layer adjacent to the modified glass ionomer cement. In deeper layers there was a gradual decrease in the fluorine content and an increase in the Ca/P ratio (p<0,05).The remineralization of dentin was significantly more expressed in the test group than in the comparison group. Conclusion. The results of the analysis of the chemical composition of the dentin of caries-affected deciduous teeth indicate a better remineralization under the coating of the modified glass ionomer cement (compared to fluoride varnish) and the prospects of its use for deciduous teeth caries arrest.
Key words: кариес временных зубов, приостановление кариеса, бондинг дентина, стеклоиономерный цемент, caries of temporary teeth, caries arrest, bonding of dentin, glass ionomer cement
Trezubov V.N., Volkovoy O.V., Bulycheva E.A., Rozov R.A., Parshin U.V., Karpova A.O.
UDC: 616.314-089.29:616:314-089.87
Abstract: Objective. Sociological evaluation of total removable implant prostheses based on various numbers of implants was the study purpose. Methods. 126 total removable acrylic overlapping prostheses with implant fixation of various types (113 prostheses of the lower and 13 prostheses of the upper jaw) were investigated. The dependence of prosthodontic quality on the number of supporting retentive implants presented the dominant interest. The Wolfarts e.a. questionnaires and that of life quality (OHIP-14) were used. Results. The questionings upon sociological scales in patients with total removable prostheses supported by 1-4 implants were carried out before implant prosthodontics, 3 months and 1-2 years after it. Before orthopedic treatment the quality level was satisfactory close to the unsatisfactory border, after treatment the life quality was high with high indices of good level by Wolfarts questionnaire. Conclusion. The analysis and discussion of the received clinical and sociological results of the used sociological methods were statistically close despite different numbers of supporting retentive implants (1 to 4). The results of prosthetics were high, or good bordered with high.
Key words: социологическое анкетирование, имплантационное протезирование, перекрывающие съемные протезы, sociological questionnaire, implant prosthetics, overlapping removable prostheses
Trezubov V.N., Volkovoy O.V., Alpatyeva U.V., Karpova A.O.
UDC: 616.314-089.29:616:314-089.87
Abstract: Objective. The authors aimed at developing, clinical approbation and primary validation of the method of implant prosthodontics expert evaluation. Methods. 181 patients (70 male and 111 female) aged 46 to 72 (average age 63,7±2,2 years) with partial or total teeth loss on the upper and lower jaw, who used the prostheses on implants, were investigated. The sociological methods were presented by questionnaires (Wolfarts e.a., OHIP-14), visual-analog scale complex by Woodforde e.a., as well as the authors’ computer program of expert evaluation of the quality of implant prosthodontics “TREVOL”. Results. Similarity of the obtained results and the same direction (positive close connection) in the “TREVOL”, Wolfartsand, Woodforde e.a. methods, and their differently directed character (negative close connection) due to different count systems by “TREVOL” and OHIP-14 were revealed. Conclusion. The “TREVOL” method is highly informative while being portative with its compact sizes, short structure and the possibility of being used at the dental chair, outside of para-clinical laboratory settings. Moreover, the main thing is that the “TREVOL” method may be the only measuring questionnaire for expert evaluating the prostheses exactly on implants.
Key words: социологическое анкетирование, имплантационное протезирование, несъемные и съемные протезы, sociological questionnaire, implant prosthodontics, fixed and removable prostheses
Trezubov V.N., Volkovoy O.V., Rozov R.A., Bulycheva E.A., Karpova A.O.
UDC: 616.314-089.29:616:314-089.87
Abstract: Objective. The aim of the investigators’ interest was the dependence between the prosthodontic works quality and the length of replacement constructions. Methods. 89 fixed ceramic and metal-ceramic prostheses for the upper and the lower jaw with screw fixation (54 part and 35 total ones) were investigated. Results. The impact of the performed implant prosthodontics onto the clinical anatomy and oral physiology was compared, as well as the appearance and the main functions of the mastication and speech apparatus. The performed prospective study of the results of immediate implant prosthetics showed their success and quality characteristics not worse than those of the delayed prosthetic works. The presence of advantageous morphologic-functional state in general and its stability at various time periods after prosthodontics was proved. Conclusion. Partial and total immediate fixed implant prostheses regardless of their length were characterized by high quality level independent on their constructive peculiarities.
Key words: непосредственное имплантационное протезирование, несъемные протезы, immediate implant prosthodontics, fixed prostheses
Rubnikovich S.P., Denisova Yu.L., Andreeva V.A., Panasenkova G.Yu., Khomich I.S.
UDC: 16.311.2-007.41-08:602.9-092.4-036.8
Abstract: Objective. To investigate the type of clinical changes in the diseased periodontal tissues by means of using mesenchymal stem cells for treating gingival recession in the experiment. Methods. All animals were divided into 5 groups (10 rats in each group) depending on the planned method of treatment. The control group, intact rats, consisted of 10 laboratory animals with a healthy gingiva. The creation of the model of the experimental gingival recession was carried out by mechanical V-shape excision of periodontal tissues. Results. Experimental studies show the possibility of complete regeneration of the dentogingival papillae, as well as periodontal tissues in the area of the experimental gingival recession during the first 28 days. Meanwhile, there is a complete absence of inflammatory signs in the 5 group (hyperemia, edema, gingival bleeding), along with their significant decrease in the 3 and the 4 groups that confirms a pronounced therapeutic effect of mesenchymal stem cells and sterile bioplastic collagen material «Collost» (7% gel). Conclusions. The positive dynamics in decreasing the intensity and prevalence of gingival inflammation was established while studying the type of clinical changes in the diseased periodontal tissues by means of using mesenchymal stem cells for treating gingival recession in the experiment. Complete absence of inflammatory signs after injecting the transplant consisting of the cell suspension on the sterile bioplastic collagen material «Collost» (7% gel) was revealed in animals from the 14 day up to the 28 day of observation. Furthermore, a significant increase in the regeneration of the gingival margin was observed on the 24 day from the moment of creating the gingival recession model. Complete regeneration of the dentogingival papillae and the absence of gingival recession was marked on the 38 day of general observation.
Key words: мезенхимальные стволовые клетки, рецессия десны, клеточные технологии, mesenchymal stem cells, gingival recession, cellular technology
Kostromin B.A., Lazarev S.A., Masagutov R.R., Averyanov S.V.
UDC: 614.2.616.724/.742-07
Abstract: Objective. Introduction of the technique for early diagnosis of dysfunctional conditions of temporomandibular joints. Methods. The control group and the main group of patients underwent X-ray examination (computer tomogram) after which certain points were recorded in the orthopantomogram mode and angles were measured. Results. In the main group, dysfunctional conditions of the temporomandibular joints were detected in patients; this enabled timely detection of changes and quality treatment. Conclusion. The conclusion is made that timely identification of early changes on the part of articular structures allows to prevent painful dysfunction and accompanying symptoms.
Key words: ранняя диагностика, височно-нижнечелюстной сустав, дисфункция, early diagnosis, temporomandibular joint, dysfunction
Zabelin A.S., Milygin V.A.
UDC: 616.36-616.61:617.52/.53-002.36
Abstract: Objective. Evaluation of the functional state of the liver and kidneys in patients with phlegmons of the face and neck. Methods. Survey and treatment of 96 patients with phlegmons of the maxillofacial area was conducted. Functional condition of the liver was estimated on the basis of the content in blood serum of cytolytic and organospecific enzymes, general protein and albuminous fractions. The condition of kidneys was assessed according to the indices of the uric syndrome and their excretory function (glomerular filtration, canalicular reabsorption, urea road clearance, minute diuresis). By means of the radioisotope dynamic nephroscintigraphy secretory and evacuation function of kidneys and the renal blood-groove were estimated . Results. It was established that the development of hepato-renal dysfunction in patients with phlegmons of the face and a neck depends on the prevalence, severity of the course of pyoinflammatory process and on the degree of expression of endogenous intoxication. Conclusion. The study revealed the development of multiple organ failure of central detoxification organs-liver and kidneys - in patients with phlegmons of the maxillofacial region. The defeat of these organs is due to both the direct influence of endotoxins on them, and their inclusion in the detoxification process. Violation of renal excretory function increases endogenous intoxication, and is crucial in assessing the severity of the condition and the prognosis of the disease.
Key words: флегмоны лица и шеи, эндогенная интоксикация, функциональное состояние печени и почек, phlegmons of the face and neck, endogenous intoxication, functional condition of a liver and kidneys
Shashmurina V.R., Kuzmina L.V., Mishutina O.L., Shashmurina A.B.
UDC: 616.716.4-007.274-08
Abstract: Objective. To study the condition of the dentoalveolar system of young men from Smolensk and Smolensk region in order to plan preventive dental measures to improve the preparation for military service of secondary schools students. Methods. Dental examination of 200 students of Smolensk secondary school №33 at the age of 16-17 years and 316 boys aged 17-18 years, who arrived in the military Commissariat of the Smolensk region for military medical examination was conducted. The somatic status was evaluated on the basis of medical records analysis. Results. The study revealed that dental pathology limits the suitability for military service of 0.4% of citizens. The need for sanitation of the oral cavity is 28-44%. The presence of the occlusion pathology was found in 8.5-51.0% of young men. The incidence of connective tissue dysplasia among all examined was 63%, among young men with occlusion anomalies - 100%. Among the male pupils of 11th grade only 10% for health reasons were assigned to the 1st group of health (healthy, normally developing, without functional abnormalities). Conclusion. On the basis of the obtained data, it was concluded that there is a tendency to deterioration of the dental status of young men in relation to the intensity of caries and the frequency of occlusion abnormalities, as well as their relation to systemic processes in the body. Preparation of citizens for military service requires the development of a set of preventive and therapeutic measures of dental and somatic nature.
Key words: военно-врачебная экспертиза, категория годности к военной службе, группа здоровья, аномалия прикуса, дисплазия соединительной ткани, military medical examination, the category of fitness for military service, group of health, occlusion anomalies, connective tissue dysplasia
Shashmurina V.R., Kupreeva I.V., Davlikanova L.I., Gusenov R.K., Gaidukov G.A.
UDC: 616.314-089.27
Abstract: Objective. Improving the efficiency of the treatment (restoration) of 2 class according to Black carious cavities chewing (lateral) group of pulpless teeth with universal restorative light-cured composite "Resthaven" (Tekhnodent, OOO, Russia). Methods. Composite material "Restauran" was used in clinical practice at the Department of Dentistry for the Doctors’ Skills Upgrading Faculty for 1 year. During this time, restoration of 60 teeth was carried out in 47 patients aged 18 to 43 years. Restorative materials was used to restore carious cavities of 2 class according to Black lateral (chewing) group of pulpless teeth. Restoration of the tooth crown was carried out with composite material "Restauran" after previously performed endodontic treatment of caries complications (pulpitis, apical periodontitis). Evaluation of the received restorations was carried out by the method of A. I. Nikolaev (2015) 6 and 12 months following treatment. Regional integration of composite and hard tissues of the tooth, presence of chipping and cracking of the composite, changes of the surface texture of the restoration, discolourness of on the border of the tooth and the composite, presence of recidive caries were determined. Results. The article presents the results of the clinical study into the use of restorative universal composite light curing "Resthaven" (Tekhnodent, OOO, Russia) for reconstruction of hard tissues of carious cavities of 2 class according to Black posterior pulpless teeth. 6 months after the restoration, color change at the border of the composite material "Restavrin" and hard tissues of the tooth was determined in 2 (3.33%) cases, violation of the edge adaptation in 1 (1.67%), surface texture change in 3 (8.33%). After 12 months 3 patients (11,6%) patients experienced a change of color on the border of the composite material and tooth tissues, and in 2 (10%) - violation of regional adaptation and 2 patients (18,33%) - change in surface texture. There were no signs of caries recurrence and retention disorders in all cases after 12 months. A direct relationship between the reduction in the quality of restorations and poor oral hygiene of patients was determined. Conclusion. It is established that universal restorative light-cured composite "Resthaven" (Tekhnodent, OOO, Russia) allows to implement the treatment of caries of teeth at a qualitatively new level and to satisfy esthetic requirements of the patients.
Key words: кариес депульпированного зуба, универсальный реставрационный композит светового отверждения, реставрин, caries tooth, universal restorative light-cured composite, restauran
Tsepov L.M., Nikolaev A.I., Nesterova M.M., Petrova E.V.
UDC: 616.31(083.744)
Abstract: Objective. The aim of the work was to analyze the etiological and pathogenetic factors of development and progression of chronic inflammatory generalized periodontal diseases: chronic catarrhal gingivitis and chronic generalized periodontitis. Methods. The causes, conditions and mechanisms of transformation of gingival inflammation (gingivitis) into periodontal tissue inflammation characterized by progressive destruction of the periodontium and alveolar bone (periodontitis) are considered. Results. The principles of therapeutic and preventive and supportive interventions, which provide a comprehensive nature of therapy in these types of pathology, are substantiated. Conclusion. Comprehensive treatment of patients with chronic generalized gingivitis and periodontitis includes several mandatory, consistent, adequate and timely stages of treatment and preventive and supportive interventions, which provide a comprehensive nature of therapy in these types of pathology.
Key words: воспаление, патогенез, хронический генерализованный катаральный гингивит, хронический генерализованный пародонтит, inflammation, pathogenesis, chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis, chronic generalized periodontitis
Tsepov L.M., Nikolaev A.I., Nesterova M.M., Tsepova E.L.
UDC: 616.314.17-008.1
Abstract: Objective. The aim of the work was to compare and analyze the modern concepts of the origin and development of chronic inflammatory periodontal diseases. Methods. The regularities of the life of periodontal microflora in the composition of supra-and subgingival biofilms, as a factor of low efficiency of antibacterial therapy in chronic gingivitis and periodontitis are considered. Results. The expediency of surgical interventions in the complex treatment of the developed forms of chronic generalized periodontitis is substantiated. Conclusion. Timely diagnosis, reasonably conducted diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures based on the concept of simultaneous elimination of periodontal microflora, allow to improve the strategy of complex therapeutic interventions.
Key words: воспаление, заболевания пародонта, хронический гингивит, хронический пародонтит, патогенез, inflammation, periodontal disease, chronic gingivitis, chronic parodontitis, pathogenesis
Ginali N.V., Vasilevsky S.A., Boykova E.I.
UDC: 616.314-089.23
Abstract: Objective. To increase efficiency of orthodontic treatment by means of the equipment of the direct arch, using different types of braces. Methods. Under our observation there were 36 patients at the age of 17-26 years, divided into groups on 12 people. The H4, Biomim and Pilot breket-systems were compared. Results. Experience of use of the direct arch equipment with Roth's and MBT shows that the H4 and Biomim braces have a number of advantages in comparison with Pilot: creation of more correct form of the tooth arch; reduction of terms of treatment by 2.5 and 3 months; stability of the retentional period; formation of a more esthetic smile. Conclusion. The use of the direct arch equipment and various types of braces in a similar treatment schedule allow to draw a conclusion that cast braces (e.g. Biomim) form the arch force more efficiently than the analogs produced by other methods
Key words: брекет, дуга улыбки, ортодонтическое лечение, зубочелюстная система, braces, smile arch, orthodontic treatment, dentofacial system
Dotsenko A.V.
UDC: 618.5-089.888.61
Abstract: Objective. To assess the effectiveness of the behavior management algorithm developed by us for children of primary school age at a dental appointment. Methods. To solve this problem we examined 118 children aged 6-8 years. Registration of the behavior of these children was performed according to the Frankel scale (1962). For behavior correction, we used the algorithm developed by us for the management of children's behavior at a dental appointment. Results. We found that 6-8 years old children in 49,8±0,1% of cases in the dental behave cooperatively. Conclusions. We have developed the program to reduce anxiety which showed high efficiency.
Key words: стоматологическая тревожность, негативное поведение, менеджмент поведения, dental anxiety, negative behavior, management of children's behavior
Evnevich K.A.
UDC: 616.314-089.23
Abstract: Objective. To study the microcirculation in the marginal gum in the area of orthodontic transferred teeth in patients with periodontitis and protrusion of incisors. Methods. Orthodontic treatment of 54 patients was carried out: 28 patients with healthy periodontal tissue and protrusion of the front group of teeth, 26 patients aged 35-44 years with periodontitis and dental anomalies and deformities. Each patient was subjected to a SET-UP simulation to identify and eliminate premature contact that occurs when teeth move. The study of blood microcirculation in the gums of movable teeth was performed with the LAKK-01 device. Results. Analysis of microcirculation in the gums in all patients indicates a general pattern. A sharp decrease in the rate of microcirculation in the first week of imposition of traction (in patients with healthy periodontal tissue PM - 79%, with periodontitis PM - 54%), its gradual reduction on the 2 and 3 weeeks of tension (in patients with healthy periodontal PM - 56% and PM - 50%, in patients with periodontitis PM - 47% and PM - 42%), gradual increase after the end of the traction.Conclusion. The revealed regularity suggests that there is a dependence of the microcirculation index on the size and duration of the orthodontic force. However, against the background of the revealed trend of changes in the microcirculation of blood in the gums, it should be noted that the decrease in the microcirculation index is more pronounced in patients with periodontal diseases, which indicates an excessive effect on the weakened periodontium of traditional magnitude strength.
Key words: пародонтит, микроциркуляция крови в десне, ортодонтическое лечение, Set-up моделирование, periodontal diseases, gingival blood microcirculation, orthodontic treatment, Set-up modeling
Stepanova T.S., Kuzminskaya O.Yu.
UDC: 616.314-002-08-053.2
Abstract: Objective. To improving the efficiency of the use of classical glass ionomer cements in the treatment of caries of permanent teeth in children at the stage of incomplete mineralization of hard tissue. Methods. 24 children were examined and treated. 24 permanent teeth with incomplete mineralization of hard tissue were treated using the method of prophylaxis filling. For filling, we used classic glass ionomer cement. Results. During the observation period, the safety of the filling material was 100%. A high quality edge fit was noted. Abrasive wear of the material was detected 12 months after the placement of the seal in 71% of cases. After 18 months, abrasive wear was noted in 78%, and after 24 months it was detected in 100% of cases. Conclusion. This technique preserved clinical effectiveness during 18-24 months after treatment. Аfter this period the final stage of the delayed sandwich technique is recommended.
Key words: дети, созревание эмали, рецидивный кариес, сандвич-техника, стеклоиономерный цемент, абразивный износ, children, maturation of enamel, recurrent caries, sandwich technique of filling, glass ionomer cement, abrasion
Sotnikova M.V., Kuzmina E.V., Andryushenkova N.A., Korotchenkova N.S., Kruglikova E.O.
UDC: 616.724:378.180.6
Abstract: Objective. To compare the condition of the temporomandibular joints of Smolensk state medical University students and students of other higher educational institutions Methods. 40 students of the 5th year of dental faculty of Smolensk State Medical University were examined. To study the psycho-emotional status, the psychometric scales of Zung and Spilberg-Hanin were used. To determine the condition of the articular surfaces of temporal-mandibular joints zonography was performed. To compare the prevalence of disorders of the temporomandibular joints among students of medical and non-medical higher education institutions the data of E.N.Zhulev et al. (2014) were used. Results. The most common objective sign of disorders of temporomandibular joints among students of Smolensk State Medical University was the presence of clicks during the movements of the lower jaw: 33 persons (83%). Malocclusion, disorders of the position of individual teeth, premature contacts of teeth were observed in 15 students (38%). According to the scale of Zung, the parameters corresponding to the state of depression were identified in 6 (15%) persons. High level of reactive anxiety was revealed in 8 (20%) students, personal anxiety - in 32 (80%). X-ray examination showed no changes in the bone elements of temporomandibular joints. Disorders of the temporomandibular joints in students of medical schools were on an average 69%, non-medical - 41%. Conclusion. Students of Smolensk State Medical University often have disorders of the function of temporomandibular joints (83%). 35% of these changes correspond to internal disorders of the temporomandibular joints. High levels of stress and therefore the development of bad habits, parafunctions of masticatory muscles can contribute to the development of pathology of the temporomandibular joints. Disorders of the temporomandibular joints in medical students are more common than in students of other Universities.
Key words: студенты, височно-нижнечелюстной сустав, психоэмоциональные нарушения, высшее учебное заведение, внутренние нарушения, синдром болевой дисфункции, students, temporomandibular joint, psychoemotional disorders, higher education institution, internal disorders, pain dysfunction syndrome