The Journal «Vestnik of the Smolensk State Medical Academy» («Vestnik of the SSMA») is authorized to publish scientific papers, review articles, digests on medical and medico-biological studies, articles on clinical psychology, public health, historical aspects of medicine as well as didactic issues.
The contents of the Journal includes:

  • Scientific Articles
  • Review Articles
  • Digests
  • Public Health Articles
  • Recommendations for Newly Qualified Doctors
  • Didactic Publications
  • History of Medicine Reviews
  • Anniversaries

Requirements for the number of pages

  • Scientific article ‐ up to 10 pages, 4-5 figures, 10-15 references.
  • Digest ‐ up to 3 pages, 1-2 figures, 3-5 references.
  • Review articles ‐ up to 20 pages, 50 references.

Structure of a publication

  1. Article index: UDC code (according to the Universal Decimal Classification - UDC).
  2. Title: 120 signs max, no abbreviation allowed.
  3. Name(s) initials and surname(s) of the author(s).
  4. Affiliation, postal index, address of the institution. 
  5. Summary (500 signs max), 3-10 key words, no abbreviation allowed.
  6. English version of the title, name(s) of the author(s), postal address, summary, key words.
  7. Body of the article: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion.
    • Aim should be formulated in the Introduction.
    • Material and Methods should include:
      • а) devices applied, valid techniques and methods;
      • b) statistics;
      • c) conformity of all the procedures with the international ethic research requirements.
    • Results: descriptive results should not be duplicated in charts and figures.
    • Discussion should make a focus on the correspondence of the data obtained and hypothesis formulated as well as the results of other researchers.
    • Conclusion.
  8. References should include the resources mentioned in the article and directly linked to the publication issue. The list of authors should be arranged in the Russian and then in the Latin alphabetic order. 

The body of the manuscript should be followed by a date and signature(s) of all the authors (surname, name, middle name, position, scientific degree, phone numbers, e-mail). Signatures confirm the consent to issue the publication according to the requirements of the Editorial Board guarantee the novelty of the information provided as well as the consent to the assignment of the publication rights to the Editorial Board of the Journal. The first copy of the publication should be signed by the Head of the Department or a Scientific Advisor. The authors not affiliated to the SSMA should provide a Letter of Confirmation authorising them to issue the publication by the institution they represent. Members of the SSMA staff should provide a Letter of Confirmation by the Department they represent.

The manuscipts are subject to peers’ review. On the basis of the review a decision to publish the paper or reject it is made. The publications rejected are not sent back to the author(s) and are not subject to reassessment.  The Editorial Board declares the right to decrease the number of pages as well as the number of figures in the publication. Publication fees are not charged.

Two paper copies and an electronic one of the manuscipts should be posted to the address:

Kruspskoy str., 28
214019 Smolensk, Russia
Rector’ Office, the Department of Research (with a note «Vestnik of the SSMA»)
Telephone number: +7 (4812) 55-47-22 (Department of Physiology)
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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